Angular Esri ユーティリティ

    リソース トピックは、Esri Maps が IgxGeographicMapComponent で提供する IgxArcGISOnlineMapImagery の使用に役立つユーティリティの実装を提供します。

    コード スニペット

    export class EsriUtility {
        public static getUri(style: EsriStyle): string {
            let isHttpSecured = window.location.toString().startsWith("https:");
            // resolving Esri Server uri based on hosting website
            let uri: string = style;
            if (!isHttpSecured) {
                uri = uri.replace("https:", "http:");
            return uri;
     * Describes available links to imagery tile sources on public ArcGIS/Esri servers.
     * You can find up-to-date list on
    export enum EsriStyle {
        // these Esri maps show geographic tiles for the whole of world
        WorldStreetMap = "",
        WorldTopographicMap = "",
        WorldImageryMap = "",
        WorldOceansMap = "",
        WorldNationalGeoMap = "",
        WorldTerrainMap = "",
        WorldDeLormesMap = "",
        WorldLightGrayMap = "",
        WorldShadedReliefMap = "",
        WorldPhysicalMap = "",
        // these Esri maps show geographic tiles for the whole of world without contours of continents
        // therefore the Map should also load a shapefile of continents when using them
        WorldAdminOverlay = "",
        WorldTransportationOverlay = "",
        WorldBoundariesDarkOverlay ="",
        WorldBoundariesLightOverlay = "",
        WorldLabelsLightGrayOverlay = "",
        // these Esri maps show only geographic tiles for the USA
        // therefore the Map should be zoomed in to geographic bounds of USA when using them
        UsaOwnerOccupiedHousing = "",
        UsaSoilSurvey = "",
        UsaPopulationOlderThanAge64 = "",
        UsaPopulationYoungerThan18 = "",
        UsaPopulationGrowth2015 = "",
        UsaUnemploymentRate = "",
        UsaSocialVulnerability = "",
        UsaRetailSpendingPotential = "",
        UsaPopulationChange2010 = "",
        UsaPopulationChange2000 = "",
        UsaPopulationDensity = "",
        UsaPopulationByGender = "",
        UsaMedianHouseholdIncome = "",
        UsaMedianNetWorth = "",
        UsaMedianHomeValue = "",
        UsaMedianAge = "",
        UsaLaborForceParticipation = "",
        UsaAverageHouseholdSize = "",
        UsaDiversityIndex = "",
        UsaRailNetwork = "",

    API リファレンス