Blazor ワールド ユーティリティ
リソース トピックは、Blazor 地理データの生成に役立つユーティリティの実装です。
コード スニペット
public static class WorldUtils
public static List<List<Point>> CalcPaths(GeoLocation origin, GeoLocation dest)
int interval = 200;
List<List<Point>> paths = new List<List<Point>>() { new List<Point>() };
int pathID = 0;
double distance = WorldUtils.CalcDistance(origin, dest);
if (distance <= interval)
Console.WriteLine("Distance Less Than Equal To Interval!");
paths[pathID].Add(new Point() { X = dest.Lon, Y = dest.Lat });
Console.WriteLine("Distance Greater Than Interval!");
GeoLocation current = origin;
GeoLocation previous = origin;
for (int dist = interval; dist <= distance; dist += interval)
previous = current;
paths[pathID].Add(new Point() { X = current.Lon, Y = current.Lat });
double bearing = WorldUtils.CalcBearing(current, dest);
current = WorldUtils.CalcDestination(current, bearing, interval);
if (previous.Lon > 150 && current.Lon < -150)
paths[pathID].Add(new Point() { X = 180, Y = current.Lat });
paths.Add(new List<Point>());
current = new GeoLocation() { Lon = -180, Lat = current.Lat };
else if (previous.Lon < -150 && current.Lon > 150)
paths[pathID].Add(new Point() { X = -180, Y = current.Lat });
paths.Add(new List<Point>());
current = new GeoLocation() { Lon = 180, Lat = current.Lat };
paths[pathID].Add(new Point() { X = dest.Lon, Y = dest.Lat });
return paths;
public static double CalcBearing(GeoLocation origin, GeoLocation dest)
origin = WorldUtils.ToRadianLocation(origin);
dest = WorldUtils.ToRadianLocation(dest);
double range = (dest.Lon - origin.Lon);
double y = Math.Sin(range) * Math.Cos(dest.Lat);
double x = Math.Cos(origin.Lat) * Math.Sin(dest.Lat) - Math.Sin(origin.Lat) * Math.Cos(dest.Lat) * Math.Cos(range);
double angle = Math.Atan2(y, x);
return WorldUtils.ToDegreesNormalized(angle);
public static GeoLocation CalcDestination(GeoLocation origin, double bearing, double distance)
double radius = 6371.0;
origin = WorldUtils.ToRadianLocation(origin);
bearing = WorldUtils.ToRadians(bearing);
distance = distance / radius;
double lat = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(origin.Lat) * Math.Cos(distance) +
Math.Cos(origin.Lat) * Math.Sin(distance) * Math.Cos(bearing));
double x = Math.Sin(bearing) * Math.Sin(distance) * Math.Cos(origin.Lat);
double y = Math.Cos(distance) - Math.Sin(origin.Lat) * Math.Sin(origin.Lat);
double lon = origin.Lon + Math.Atan2(x, y);
// normalize lon to coordinate between -180º and +180º
lon = (lon + 3 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI;
lon = WorldUtils.ToDegrees(lon);
lat = WorldUtils.ToDegrees(lat);
return new GeoLocation() { Lat = lat, Lon = lon };
public static double CalcDistance(GeoLocation origin, GeoLocation dest)
origin = WorldUtils.ToRadianLocation(origin);
dest = WorldUtils.ToRadianLocation(dest);
double sinProd = Math.Sin(origin.Lat) * Math.Sin(dest.Lat);
double cosProd = Math.Cos(origin.Lat) * Math.Cos(dest.Lat);
double lonDelta = (dest.Lon - origin.Lon);
double angle = Math.Acos(sinProd + cosProd * Math.Cos(lonDelta));
double distance = angle * 6371.0;
return distance;
public static GeoLocation ToRadianLocation(GeoLocation geoPoint)
double x = WorldUtils.ToRadians(geoPoint.Lon);
double y = WorldUtils.ToRadians(geoPoint.Lat);
return new GeoLocation() { Lon = x, Lat = y };
public static double ToRadians(double degrees)
return degrees * Math.PI / 180;
public static double ToDegrees(double radians)
return (radians * 180.0 / Math.PI);
public static double ToDegreesNormalized(double radians)
double degrees = WorldUtils.ToDegrees(radians);
degrees = (degrees + 360) % 360;
return degrees;
public static string ToStringLat(double latitude)
string str = Math.Abs(latitude) + "°";
return latitude > 0 ? str + "N" : str + "S";
public static string ToStringLon(double coordinate)
double val = Math.Abs(coordinate);
string str = val.ToString();
return coordinate > 0 ? str + "°E" : str + "°W";
public static string ToStringAbbr(double value)
if (value > 1000000000000)
return (value / 1000000000000).ToString("N1") + " T";
else if (value > 1000000000)
return (value / 1000000000).ToString("N1") + " B";
else if (value > 1000000)
return (value / 1000000).ToString("N1") + " M";
else if (value > 1000)
return (value / 1000).ToString("N1") + " K";
return value.ToString("N0");
public static double GetLongitude(GeoLocation location)
return location.Lon;
public static double GetLatitude(GeoLocation location)
return location.Lat;
public static Rect GetBounds(List<GeoLocation> locations)
double minLat = 90;
double maxLat = -90;
double minLon = 180;
double maxLon = -180;
foreach (GeoLocation gl in locations)
double curLon = WorldUtils.GetLongitude(gl);
double curLat = WorldUtils.GetLatitude(gl);
if (!double.IsNaN(curLon))
minLon = Math.Min(minLon, curLon);
maxLon = Math.Max(maxLon, curLon);
if (!double.IsNaN(curLat))
minLat = Math.Min(minLat, curLat);
maxLat = Math.Min(maxLat, curLat);
Rect geoBounds = new Rect(minLon, minLat, Math.Abs(maxLon - minLon), Math.Abs(maxLat - minLat));
return geoBounds;
public static List<Point> GetNightShapes()
List<Point> line = new List<Point>();
for (int lon = -180; lon <= 180; lon += 1)
double x = lon;
double y = 75 * Math.Cos(lon * Math.PI / 180);
line.Add(new Point(x, y));
return line;