
GroupByBox プロパティ (UltraGridLayout)

レイアウトに関連付けられている GroupByBox オブジェクトへの参照を返します。GroupByBox はコントロールが GroupBy モードのときの GroupBy 行を指定するのに使用します。GroupByBox
Public ReadOnly Property GroupByBox As GroupByBox
public GroupByBox GroupByBox {get;}

GroupBy Box は、ディスプレイのために行データを動的にグループ化するための方法をユーザーに提供するインターフェイス要素です。GroupBy Boxが表示可能である場合、マウスで列ヘッダーをドラッグできます。データは指定したフィールドに基づいてグループ化されます。グリッドは共通のフィールド値をもつデータを集計する役割を果たす一連の GroupBy 行を作成します。特定の値でデータを表示または非表示にするために GroupBy 行を展開または縮小することができます。

たとえば、City のフィールドを含む住所情報を表示するグリッドでバンドがあると想定します。City 列のヘッダーを GroupBy ボックスにドラッグすると、グリッドはバンドの行で発生するすべての市に GroupBy 行を表示します。特定の市の GroupBy 行を展開して、市に関係するすべてのデータを確認します (つまり、City フィールドに指定されている選択した市の名前を持つすべてのデータ)。

GroupBy Box オブジェクトは、ユーザーに GroupBy Box インターフェイス要素 (Appearance プロパティを含む) のルックの制御を与えます。

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid

  Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button4.Click

      ' Set the view style to OutlookGroupBy. Without it, group by box won't
      ' show up.
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.ViewStyleBand = ViewStyleBand.OutlookGroupBy

      ' Set the group-by-box style to Compact to save space.
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.Style = GroupByBoxStyle.Compact

      ' Set the appearance of the group-by-box.
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White

      ' Set the group-by-box prompt. This text shows up in the group-by-box when
      ' there are no group-by columns.
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.Prompt = "Drag and drop a column to group by that column."

      ' Set the back color and fore color of the prompt area.
      'Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.PromptAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.PromptAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Maroon

      ' Set the border style to InsetSoft.
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.BorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.InsetSoft

      ' Configure the buttons associated with grouped-by columns. When a column
      ' is dragged and dropped in the group-by-box, the rows get grouped by the
      ' column and the column becomes a group-by column.
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.ButtonBorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.RaisedSoft

      ' Change the band labels. By setting it to
      ' All, grid will show lables for all the bands.
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.ShowBandLabels = ShowBandLabels.All

      ' Configure the look of the band labels.
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.BandLabelBorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.Solid
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.BandLabelAppearance.BackColor = Color.DarkBlue
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.BandLabelAppearance.ForeColor = Color.LightYellow

      ' Configure the way button connectors look
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.ButtonConnectorStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.Dotted
      Me.UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.ButtonConnectorColor = Color.Maroon

  End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void button4_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	// Set the view style to OutlookGroupBy. Without it, group by box won't
	// show up.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.ViewStyleBand = ViewStyleBand.OutlookGroupBy;

	// Set the group-by-box style to Compact to save space.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.Style = GroupByBoxStyle.Compact;

	// Set the appearance of the group-by-box.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.Appearance.BackColor = Color.White;

	// Set the group-by-box prompt. This text shows up in the group-by-box when
	// there are no group-by columns.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.Prompt = "Drag and drop a column to group by that column.";

	// Set the back color and fore color of the prompt area.
	//this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.PromptAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.PromptAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Maroon;

	// Set the border style to InsetSoft.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.BorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.InsetSoft;
	// Configure the buttons associated with grouped-by columns. When a column
	// is dragged and dropped in the group-by-box, the rows get grouped by the
	// column and the column becomes a group-by column.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.ButtonBorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.RaisedSoft;

	// Change the which band labels get shown in the group-by-box. By setting it to
	// All, grid will show lables for all the bands.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.ShowBandLabels = ShowBandLabels.All;
	// Configure the look of the band labels.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.BandLabelBorderStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.Solid;
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.BandLabelAppearance.BackColor = Color.DarkBlue;
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.BandLabelAppearance.ForeColor = Color.LightYellow;
	// Configure the way button connectors look
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.ButtonConnectorStyle = UIElementBorderStyle.Dotted;
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.GroupByBox.ButtonConnectorColor = Color.Maroon;
