Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid
Imports System.Diagnostics
Private Sub UltraGrid1_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ErrorEventArgs) Handles ultraGrid1.Error
If e.ErrorType = ErrorType.Data Then
' DataErroInfo object contains details regarding the data error.
' ErrorText property contains the error message.
Debug.WriteLine("Data Error: Error text = " & e.DataErrorInfo.ErrorText)
' Exception property will contain the exception that caused the Error event to fire.
' It will be null if there was no exception.
If Not Nothing Is e.DataErrorInfo.Exception Then
Debug.WriteLine("Data Error: Exception type = " & e.DataErrorInfo.Exception.GetType().Name)
Debug.WriteLine("Data Error: No Exception.")
End If
' Cell returns the cell involved in the data error. It will be null for errors generated
' when performing operations like adding or deleting rows or operations that do not
' deal with a cell.
If Not Nothing Is e.DataErrorInfo.Cell Then
Debug.WriteLine("DataError: Cell's column key = " & e.DataErrorInfo.Cell.Column.Key)
Debug.WriteLine("DataError: No cell.")
End If
' Row returns the row involved in the data error. It will be null if error occurred while
' doing an operation that did not involve a row.
If Not Nothing Is e.DataErrorInfo.Row Then
Debug.WriteLine("DataError: Index of the row involved = " & e.DataErrorInfo.Row.Index)
Debug.WriteLine("DataError: No row.")
End If
' Source property indicates how the data error was generated.
Debug.Write("DataError: Source of the error is ")
Select Case (e.DataErrorInfo.Source)
Case DataErrorSource.CellUpdate
If Nothing Is e.DataErrorInfo.InvalidValue Then
Debug.WriteLine("Cell updating.")
Debug.WriteLine("Cell updating with invalid value of " & e.DataErrorInfo.InvalidValue.ToString())
End If
Case DataErrorSource.RowAdd
Debug.WriteLine("Row adding.")
Case DataErrorSource.RowDelete
Debug.WriteLine("Row deleting.")
Case DataErrorSource.RowUpdate
Debug.WriteLine("Row updating.")
Case DataErrorSource.Unspecified
End Select
' Set the cancel to true to prevent the grid from displaying a message for
' this error. Instead we will display our own message box below.
e.Cancel = True
MessageBox.Show(Me, _
"Please enter a valid value for the cell." & vbCrLf & "Data error defatils:" & e.ErrorText, _
"Invalid input", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
ElseIf e.ErrorType = ErrorType.Mask Then
' MaskErroInfo property contains the detaisl regarding the mask error.
' InvalidText is the text in the cell that doesn't satisfy the mask input.
Debug.WriteLine("Mask Error: Invalid text = " & e.MaskErrorInfo.InvalidText)
' StartPos may indicate the position in the text that caused the mask input
' verification failed.
Debug.WriteLine("Mask Error: Character position = " & e.MaskErrorInfo.StartPos)
' Prevent the UltraGrid from beeping whenever the user types in a
' character that doesn't match the mask as well as for other mask
' related errors.
e.MaskErrorInfo.CancelBeep = True
' Set the cancel to true to prevent the grid from displaying the message
' for this error.
e.Cancel = True
Debug.WriteLine("Unknown error occured with the error message of: " & e.ErrorText)
End If
End Sub