バージョン 24.2 (最新)

Resources クラス

このアセンブリ用の Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer インスタンスを公開します。
public class Resources 
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    Dim rc As Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer

    ' Note: Each Infragistics windows forms assembly 
    ' exposes a resource customizer so that any string
    ' resource that the assembly uses can be customized.
    ' This lets the application developer easily modify  
    ' any string that an Infragistics control would show
    ' to an end-user.

    ' Get the resource customizer object for the
    ' 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree' assembly.
    rc = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.Resources.Customizer

    ' Customize a couple of string resources.
    rc.SetCustomizedString("xxxxx", "New string for 'xxxxx' resource")
    rc.SetCustomizedString("yyyyy", "New string for 'yyyyy' resource")

    ' Get the resource customizer object for the  
    ' 'Infragistics.Win' assembly.
    rc = Infragistics.Win.Resources.Customizer

    ' Customize one of its string resources.
    rc.SetCustomizedString("zzzzz", "New string for 'zzzzz' resource")

    ' The 'GetCustomizedString' method can be used to
    ' retrieve any previously customized string resource.
    Dim customizedString As String
    customizedString = rc.GetCustomizedString("zzzzz")

    ' Note: In the above examples, the first parameter
    ' to the 'SetCustomizedString' method (i.e. "xxxxx",
    ' "yyyyy" or "zzzzz") specifies the name of the resource.
    ' A list of the resource names is included in online help
    ' under Infragistics Software\[assembly name]\Support Topics\
    ' Message Strings Customization [name]
    ' Also, the string resources can be reset back to there
    ' original values by calling one of the 'Reset...' methods
    ' as in the following sample code.

    ' Reset a previously customized string resource back to
    ' its original value.

    ' Reset all previously customized string resources back to
    ' their original values.

End Sub
Public Class Resources 
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer rc;

	// Note: Each Infragistics windows forms assembly 
	// exposes a resource customizer so that any string
	// resource that the assembly uses can be customized.
	// This lets the application developer easily modify  
	// any string that an Infragistics control would show
	// to an end-user.
	// Get the resource customizer object for the
	// 'Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree' assembly.
	rc = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.Resources.Customizer;

	// Customize a couple of string resources.
	rc.SetCustomizedString("xxxxx", "New string for 'xxxxx' resource");
	rc.SetCustomizedString("yyyyy", "New string for 'yyyyy' resource");

	// Get the resource customizer object for the 
	// 'Infragistics.Win' assembly.
	rc = Infragistics.Win.Resources.Customizer;

	// Customize one if its string resources.
	rc.SetCustomizedString("zzzzz", "New string for 'zzzzz' resource");

	// The 'GetCustomizedString' method can be used to
	// retrieve any previously customized string resource.
	string customizedString = rc.GetCustomizedString("zzzzz");

	// Note: In the above examples, the first parameter
	// to the 'SetCustomizedString' method (i.e. "xxxxx",
	// "yyyyy" or "zzzzz") specifies the name of the resource.
	// A list of the resource names is included in online help
	// under Infragistics Software\[assembly name]\Support Topics\
	// Message Strings Customization [name]
	// Also, the string resources can be reset back to there
	// original values by calling one of the 'Reset...' methods
	// as in the following sample code.

	// Reset a previously customized string resource back to
	// its original value.

	// Reset all previously customized string resources back to
	// their original values.

Public Class Resources 