public class ColumnsCollection : Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase
'宣言 Public Class ColumnsCollection Inherits Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase
このプロパティは、Column オブジェクトへの参照を取得するために使用できる UltraGridColumn オブジェクトのコレクションへの参照を返します。Band および Group オブジェクトではバンドまたはグループに属し、Selected オブジェクトでは現在選択されています。この参照を使用して、返されたコレクションのプロパティまたはメソッドだけでなく、コレクション内のオブジェクトのプロパティまたはメソッドにもアクセスできます。
選択されたオブジェクトは、列が選択および選択解除される時、その対応する Column オブジェクトが追加され、このプロパティによって返される SelectedCols コレクションから削除されます。列が選択または選択解除されると、BeforeSelectChange イベントが生成されます。
返されるコレクションの Count プロパティは、バンドまたはグループに属する列の数を決定するために使用されます。
Imports Infragistics.Shared Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid Private Sub UltraGrid1_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs) Handles ultraGrid1.InitializeLayout ' Enable row filtering on the first band only and set the RowFilterMode to ' AllRowInBand which dictates that the UltraGrid use UltraGridBand.ColumnFilters ' rather than RowsCollection.ColumnFilters. e.Layout.Bands(0).Override.AllowRowFiltering = DefaultableBoolean.True e.Layout.Bands(0).Override.RowFilterMode = RowFilterMode.AllRowsInBand ' Set the AllowRowSummaries to either True or BasedOnDataType to allow ' the user to be able to add, remove or modify summaries. This is not ' necessary to create summaries programmatically and only effects the ' users ability to create, remove or modify summaries. e.Layout.Bands(2).Override.AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.BasedOnDataType ' You can also prevent the user from adding, removing or modifying a ' summary on a column basis. This prevents the user from summarizing OrderID ' and ProductID columns. e.Layout.Bands(2).Columns("OrderID").AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.False e.Layout.Bands(2).Columns("ProductID").AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.False ' Set the HeaderClickAction to SortMulti to allow the user to sort ' columns by clickin on the column headers. e.Layout.Override.HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction.SortMulti ' Set various appearances using Override. Override off the DisplayLayout sets ' grid-wide appearances while Override off individual bands sets the appearances ' for that particular band. e.Layout.Override.CellAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightCyan ' You can override these for a specific band, in this case band 2. e.Layout.Bands(2).Override.CellAppearance.BackColor = Color.Beige ' You can also override appearance for individual columns. e.Layout.Bands(0).Columns("CustomerID").CellAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Gray ' Set the CustomerID column's VisiblePosition to 0 so it's the first column ' on the display. e.Layout.Bands(0).Columns("CustomerID").Header.VisiblePosition = 0 End Sub
'宣言 Public Class ColumnsCollection Inherits Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase
using Infragistics.Shared; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid; using System.Diagnostics; private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e) { // Enable row filtering on the first band only and set the RowFilterMode to // AllRowInBand which dictates that the UltraGrid use UltraGridBand.ColumnFilters // rather than RowsCollection.ColumnFilters. e.Layout.Bands[0].Override.AllowRowFiltering = DefaultableBoolean.True; e.Layout.Bands[0].Override.RowFilterMode = RowFilterMode.AllRowsInBand; // Set the AllowRowSummaries to either True or BasedOnDataType to allow // the user to be able to add, remove or modify summaries. This is not // necessary to create summaries programmatically and only effects the // users ability to create, remove or modify summaries. e.Layout.Bands[2].Override.AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.BasedOnDataType; // You can also prevent the user from adding, removing or modifying a // summary on a column basis. This prevents the user from summarizing OrderID // and ProductID columns. e.Layout.Bands[2].Columns["OrderID"].AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.False; e.Layout.Bands[2].Columns["ProductID"].AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.False; // Set the HeaderClickAction to SortMulti to allow the user to sort // columns by clickin on the column headers. e.Layout.Override.HeaderClickAction = HeaderClickAction.SortMulti; // Set various appearances using Override. Override off the DisplayLayout sets // grid-wide appearances while Override off individual bands sets the appearances // for that particular band. e.Layout.Override.CellAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightCyan; // You can override these for a specific band, in this case band 2. e.Layout.Bands[2].Override.CellAppearance.BackColor = Color.Beige; // You can also override appearance for individual columns. e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["CustomerID"].CellAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Gray; // Set the CustomerID column's VisiblePosition to 0 so it's the first column // on the display. e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["CustomerID"].Header.VisiblePosition = 0; }
'宣言 Public Class ColumnsCollection Inherits Infragistics.Shared.KeyedSubObjectsCollectionBase