
Band プロパティ (UltraGridRow)

オブジェクトが属する UltraGridBand を返します。このプロパティは実行時には読み取り専用です。このプロパティは設計時には使用できません。
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Band As UltraGridBand
public override UltraGridBand Band {get;}

オブジェクトの Band プロパティは、UltraGridBand オブジェクトによって定義されたグリッドの特定のバンドを参照します。Band プロパティを使用して、特定の UltraGridBand オブジェクトのプロパティにアクセスしたり、現在のオブジェクトに関連付けられている UltraGridBand オブジェクトへの参照を取得したりできます。

UltraGridBand オブジェクトは、UltraWinGrid によって使用される階層データ構造の基礎になります。グリッドの行またはセルは、UltraGridBand オブジェクトからアクセスする必要があります。バンドは、バンドを構成する行に統一した書式と動作を適用するときにも使用します。UltraGridBand オブジェクトは、データ階層の単一のレベルからすべてのデータを表示するために使用します。UltraGridBand オブジェクトは、レコードセットのデータを実際に表示する子の UltraGridRow オブジェクトのセットを複数含むことができます。DataEnvironment 内の単一の Command から描画されるすべての行がバンドを構成します。

データ階層の構造を介して現在のバンド内の行にリンクする以降のバンドから行を表示するために、バンドの行は通常ひとつ以上のグループで表示されます。たとえば、階層レコードセットに顧客、発注、発注詳細の各データを表示するテーブルがあるとすると、これらの Commands のそれぞれが UltraWinGrid の UltraGridBand にマップされます。顧客バンドの行は、その顧客の発注データ行とは独立して表示されます。同様に、発注バンドの行は、発注詳細の行の表示領域を空けておくため、独立して表示されます。これがどのように見えるかはグリッドで選択した ViewStyle 設定によって異なりますが、視覚的な区別の概念は、UltraWinGrid が階層的なレコードセットで使用される場合に簡単に分かります。


Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid

  Private Sub Button41_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button41.Click

      ' At the top level of the object hierarchy is the UltraGrid.
      Dim grid As UltraGridBase = Me.UltraGrid1

      ' Then is the layout.
      Dim layout As UltraGridLayout = grid.DisplayLayout

      ' Bands property returns the collection of bands. A band is analogous to a table in the data structure.
      ' Each band is associated with a table in the data source.
      Dim bands As BandsCollection = layout.Bands

      ' Get the first band, which is the  top-most band in case you had multple bands.
      Dim band As UltraGridBand = bands(0)

      ' Columns property off UltraGridBand returns the collection of columns associated with the band.
      Dim columns As ColumnsCollection = band.Columns

      ' You can get a particular column using the column name.
      Dim column As UltraGridColumn = columns("CustomerID")

      ' You can access the Header object associated with the column using Header property.
      Dim colHeader As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnHeader = column.Header

      ' Rows property off the UltraGridBase returns the top most rows.
      Dim rows As RowsCollection = Me.UltraGrid1.Rows

      ' You can get a row by index.
      Dim row As UltraGridRow = rows(0)

      ' You can get a cell associated with a row and a column by using Cells property off the row.
      ' You can use a column object or a column key as illustrated below.
      Dim cell As UltraGridCell = row.Cells(column)   ' Using a column object.
      cell = row.Cells("CustomerID")   ' Using a column key.

      ' These objects also have properties that back-reference the object they belong to or are
      ' associated with. Following lines illustrate some of these properties.
      column = cell.Column        ' Get the column cell is associated with.
      row = cell.Row              ' Get the row cell is associated with.
      rows = row.ParentCollection ' Get the rows collection the row belongs to.
      column = colHeader.Column   ' Get the column associated with the ColumnHeader object.
      band = column.Band          ' Get the band associated with the column.
      band = row.Band             ' Get the band associated with the row.
      layout = column.Layout      ' Get the layout using a column.
      layout = band.Layout        ' Get the layout using a band.
      grid = layout.Grid          ' Get the grid using a band.
      grid = cell.Row.Band.Layout.Grid   ' Get the grid using a cell in a single statement.

  End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

private void button41_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	// At the top level of the object hierarchy is the UltraGrid.
	UltraGridBase grid = this.ultraGrid1;

	// Then is the layout.
	UltraGridLayout layout = grid.DisplayLayout;

	// Bands property returns the collection of bands. A band is analogous to a table in the data structure.
	// Each band is associated with a table in the data source.
	BandsCollection bands = layout.Bands;

	// Get the first band, which is the  top-most band in case you had multple bands.
	UltraGridBand band = bands[0];

	// Columns property off UltraGridBand returns the collection of columns associated with the band.
	ColumnsCollection columns = band.Columns;

	// You can get a particular column using the column name.
	UltraGridColumn column = columns["CustomerID"];

	// You can access the Header object associated with the column using Header property.
	Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnHeader colHeader = column.Header;

	// Rows property off the UltraGridBase returns the top most rows.
	RowsCollection rows = this.ultraGrid1.Rows;

	// You can get a row by index.
	UltraGridRow row = rows[0];

	// You can get a cell associated with a row and a column by using Cells property off the row.
	// You can use a column object or a column key as illustrated below.
	UltraGridCell cell = row.Cells[ column ]; // Using a column object.
	cell = row.Cells[ "CustomerID" ];         // Using a column key.

	// These objects also have properties that back-reference the object they belong to or are
	// associated with. Following lines illustrate some of these properties.
	column = cell.Column;			// Get the column cell is associated with.
	row	   = cell.Row;			// Get the row cell is associated with.
	rows   = row.ParentCollection;  		// Get the rows collection the row belongs to.
	column = colHeader.Column;		// Get the column associated with the ColumnHeader object.
	band   = column.Band;			// Get the band associated with the column.
	band   = row.Band;			// Get the band associated with the row.
	layout = column.Layout;			// Get the layout using a column.
	layout = band.Layout;			// Get the layout using a band.
	grid   = layout.Grid;			// Get the grid using a band.
	grid   = cell.Row.Band.Layout.Grid; 	// Get the grid using a cell in a single statement.
