バージョン 20.1

TextPaddingResolved プロパティ

解決された TextPadding を返します。
public Size TextPaddingResolved {get;}
Private Sub GetTextPaddingInfo()

    Dim info As String = String.Empty

    '	See if the TextPadding property has been explicitly set if it hasn't, it will
    '	be set to the special "use default" setting, which is -1.
    info += "The text padding height is currently set to "
    If (Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.TextPadding.Height = -1) Then
        info += "the default value, "
    End If

    info += Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.TextPaddingResolved.Height.ToString() + vbCrLf

    info += "The text padding width is currently set to "
    If (Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.TextPadding.Width = -1) Then
        info += "the default value, "
    End If

    info += Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.TextPaddingResolved.Width.ToString() + vbCrLf

    MessageBox.Show(info, "GetTextPaddingInfo", MessageBoxButtons.OK)

End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property TextPaddingResolved As Size
private void GetTextPaddingInfo()

	string info = string.Empty;

	//	See if the TextPadding property has been explicitly set; if it hasn't, it will
	//	be set to the special "use default" setting, which is -1.
	info += "The text padding height is currently set to ";
	if ( this.ultraCalendarCombo1.TextPadding.Height == -1 ) 
		info += "the default value, ";

	info += this.ultraCalendarCombo1.TextPaddingResolved.Height.ToString() + "\n";

	info += "The text padding width is currently set to ";
	if ( this.ultraCalendarCombo1.TextPadding.Width == -1 )
		info += "the default value, ";

	info += this.ultraCalendarCombo1.TextPaddingResolved.Width.ToString() + "\n";

	MessageBox.Show( info, "GetTextPaddingInfo", MessageBoxButtons.OK );

Public ReadOnly Property TextPaddingResolved As Size