バージョン 20.1

DateTimeFormatInfo プロパティ (UltraCalendarCombo)

public DateTimeFormatInfo DateTimeFormatInfo {get; set;}

DateTimeFormatInfo プロパティは日付を解析して書式設定するために使用されるオブジェクトです。null の場合、現在のカルチャの日付時間書式情報が使用されます。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo

    Private Sub GetFormatInfo()

        Dim info As String = String.Empty

        '	If the DateTimeFormatInfo property returns null, the current culture's
        '	DateTimeFormatInfo in in effect
        If (Not Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfo Is Nothing) Then
            info += "The current culture's DateTimeFormatInfo is in effect." + vbCrLf
        End If

        '	Use the DateTimeFormatInfoResolved property to get the actual
        '	DateTimeFormatInfo, which will return a valid value even when the
        '	DateTimeFormatInfo property has not been set.
        info += "The LongDatePattern is '" + Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfoResolved.LongDatePattern + "'" + vbCrLf
        info += "The LongTimePattern is '" + Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfoResolved.LongTimePattern + "'" + vbCrLf
        info += "The ShortDatePattern is '" + Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfoResolved.ShortDatePattern + "'" + vbCrLf
        info += "The ShortTimePattern is '" + Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfoResolved.ShortTimePattern + "'" + vbCrLf

        MessageBox.Show(info, "GetFormatInfo", MessageBoxButtons.OK)

    End Sub
Public Property DateTimeFormatInfo As DateTimeFormatInfo
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo;

		private void GetFormatInfo()

			string info = string.Empty;

			//	If the DateTimeFormatInfo property returns null, the current culture's
			//	DateTimeFormatInfo in in effect
			if ( this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfo != null )
				info += "The current culture's DateTimeFormatInfo is in effect." + "\n";

			//	Use the DateTimeFormatInfoResolved property to get the actual
			//	DateTimeFormatInfo, which will return a valid value even when the
			//	DateTimeFormatInfo property has not been set.
			info += "The LongDatePattern is '" + this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfoResolved.LongDatePattern + "'" + "\n";
			info += "The LongTimePattern is '" + this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfoResolved.LongTimePattern + "'" + "\n";
			info += "The ShortDatePattern is '" + this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfoResolved.ShortDatePattern + "'" + "\n";
			info += "The ShortTimePattern is '" + this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateTimeFormatInfoResolved.ShortTimePattern + "'" + "\n";

			MessageBox.Show( info, "GetFormatInfo", MessageBoxButtons.OK );

Public Property DateTimeFormatInfo As DateTimeFormatInfo