バージョン 20.1

AutoCloseUp プロパティ

public bool AutoCloseUp {get; set;}

UltraCalendarCombo によって複数選択が可能であるため (UltraCalendarInfo.SelectTypeDay に基づいて)、複数の離れた日の範囲を選択するときにドロップダウン部分を開いたままにしておくことが必要となる場合があります。AutoCloseUp プロパティが True (デフォルト値) に設定されると (デフォルト値)、最初の選択変更が発生するとすぐにドロップダウンが閉じます。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo

    Private Sub CustomizeSelectionBehavior()

        '	Don't alter selection when the dropdown appears
        Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.AutoSelect = False

        '	Automatically update the control when the associated UltraCalendarInfo
        '	object's SelectedDateRanges collection changes
        Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.AutoSelectionUpdate = True

        '	Don't automatically close the dropdown when a date is selected
        Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.AutoCloseUp = False

        '	Display the latest selected date in the edit portion
        Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateSelectionType = DateSelectionType.LatestSelectedDay

    End Sub
Public Property AutoCloseUp As Boolean
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo;

		private void CustomizeSelectionBehavior()

			//	Don't alter selection when the dropdown appears
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.AutoSelect = false;

			//	Automatically update the control when the associated UltraCalendarInfo
			//	object's SelectedDateRanges collection changes
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.AutoSelectionUpdate = true;

			//	Don't automatically close the dropdown when a date is selected
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.AutoCloseUp = false;

			//	Display the latest selected date in the edit portion
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateSelectionType = DateSelectionType.LatestSelectedDay;

Public Property AutoCloseUp As Boolean