バージョン 20.1

DateButtons プロパティ

ドロップダウンに表示される Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo.DateButton オブジェクトのコレクションを返します。
public DateButtonsCollection DateButtons {get;}

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo.DateButton オブジェクトの DateButtons プロパティを返します。DateButtonAreaVisible が True に設定された場合、Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo.DateButton オブジェクトはドロップダウンの一番下にある Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo.DateButtonAreaUIElement に表示されます。DateButtons を使用して、ドロップダウンで特定の日付を選択/アクティブ化するためにすばやい方法を提供することができます。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo

    Private Sub AddCustomDateButtons()

        '	Create two DateButton objects, one for yesterday, and one for tomorrow
        Dim yesterday As DateButton = New DateButton()
        Dim tomorrow As DateButton = New DateButton()

        '	Set the Date property for each button
        yesterday.Date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1.0F)
        tomorrow.Date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1.0F)

        '	Set the Action property for each button
        yesterday.Action = DateButtonAction.SelectDay
        tomorrow.Action = DateButtonAction.SelectDay

        '	Set the Caption for each button
        yesterday.Caption = "Yesterday"
        tomorrow.Caption = "Tomorrow"

        '	Set the Key for each button
        yesterday.Key = "ID_" + yesterday.Date.ToShortDateString()
        tomorrow.Key = "ID_" + tomorrow.Date.ToShortDateString()

        '	Set the ToolTip for each button
        yesterday.ToolTip = "Selects and activates the day prior to the current day"
        tomorrow.ToolTip = "Selects and activates the day following the current day"

        '	Set the Visible property for each button
        yesterday.Visible = True
        tomorrow.Visible = True

        '	Set the Type property for each button to Custom
        yesterday.Type = DateButtonType.Custom
        tomorrow.Type = DateButtonType.Custom

        '	Add the custom date buttons to the control's DateButtons collection

        '	Set the foreground and background colors for all date buttons
        Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtonAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightBlue
        Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtonAppearance.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue

        '	Set the background color for the area in which the date buttons are displayed
        Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtonAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.AntiqueWhite

        '	Make the DateButtonArea visible
        Me.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtonAreaVisible = True

    End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property DateButtons As DateButtonsCollection
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.CalendarCombo;

		private void AddCustomDateButtons()

			//	Create two DateButton objects, one for yesterday, and one for tomorrow
			DateButton yesterday = new DateButton();
			DateButton tomorrow = new DateButton();

			//	Set the Date property for each button
			yesterday.Date = DateTime.Today.AddDays( -1.0F );
			tomorrow.Date = DateTime.Today.AddDays( 1.0F );

			//	Set the Action property for each button
			yesterday.Action = DateButtonAction.SelectDay;
			tomorrow.Action = DateButtonAction.SelectDay;

			//	Set the Caption for each button
			yesterday.Caption = "Yesterday";
			tomorrow.Caption = "Tomorrow";

			//	Set the Key for each button
			yesterday.Key = "ID_" + yesterday.Date.ToShortDateString();
			tomorrow.Key = "ID_" + tomorrow.Date.ToShortDateString();

			//	Set the ToolTip for each button
			yesterday.ToolTip = "Selects and activates the day prior to the current day";
			tomorrow.ToolTip = "Selects and activates the day following the current day";

			//	Set the Visible property for each button
			yesterday.Visible = true;
			tomorrow.Visible = true;

			//	Set the Type property for each button to Custom
			yesterday.Type = DateButtonType.Custom;
			tomorrow.Type = DateButtonType.Custom;

			//	Add the custom date buttons to the control's DateButtons collection
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtons.Add( yesterday );
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtons.Add( tomorrow );

			//	Set the foreground and background colors for all date buttons
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtonAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtonAppearance.ForeColor = Color.DarkBlue;

			//	Set the background color for the area in which the date buttons are displayed
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtonAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.AntiqueWhite;

			//	Make the DateButtonArea visible
			this.ultraCalendarCombo1.DateButtonAreaVisible = true;

Public ReadOnly Property DateButtons As DateButtonsCollection