


このトピックでは、XamDataChart コントロールおよびその極座標シリーズ タイプで使用するデータおよびデータ モデルを提供します。




C# の場合:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
namespace Infragistics.Models
  // TODO add data model
  // TODO add data source

Visual Basic の場合:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Linq
Namespace Infragistics.Models
   ' TODO add data model
   ' TODO add data source
End Namespace

データ モデル

C# の場合:

public class PolarDataPoint
    public double Angle { get; set; }
    public double Radius { get; set; }

Visual Basic の場合:

Public Class PolarDataPoint
    Public Property Angle As Double
    Public Property Radius As Double
End Class

データ ソース

C# の場合:

public class PolarDataSource : List<PolarDataPoint>
    public PolarDataSource()
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 0, Radius = 80 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 30, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 45, Radius = 40 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 60, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 90, Radius = 80 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 120, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 135, Radius = 40 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 150, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 180, Radius = 20 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 210, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 225, Radius = 40 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 240, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 270, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 300, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 315, Radius = 40 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 330, Radius = 60 });
        this.Add(new PolarDataPoint { Angle = 360, Radius = 80 });

Visual Basic の場合:

Public Class PolarDataSource Inherits List(Of PolarDataPoint)
    Public Sub New()
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 0, .Radius = 80 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 30, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 45, .Radius = 40 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 60, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 90, .Radius = 80 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 120, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 135, .Radius = 40 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 150, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 180, .Radius = 20 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 210, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 225, .Radius = 40 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 240, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 270, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 300, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 315, .Radius = 40 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 330, .Radius = 60 })
        Me.Add(New PolarDataPoint() With { .Angle = 360, .Radius = 80 })
    End Sub
End Class