
この手順を実行するには、最初に xamSyntaxEditor をページに追加してください。
1.装飾ジェネレーター プロバイダーから派生した AdornmentGeneratorProvider
クラスを作成します。このクラスは、コントロールがインスタンスを要求するときに、装飾ジェネレーター クラスのインスタンスを作成します。
2.派生 AdornmentGeneratorProvider
を TextDocument の Language に公開された ServicesManager
3.装飾ジェネレーターから派生した SyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase
を作成します。このクラスは、特定のドキュメント ビューに実際の装飾を描画します。このクラスのインスタンスは、手順 2 に登録した AdornmentGeneratorProvider
CreateAdornmentGenerator メソッドを実装する AdornmentGeneratorProvider を拡張するクラスを作成します。そのメソッドは、 SyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase から派生するクラスのインスタンスを作成して返します。xamSyntaxEditor がこのメソッドを呼び出すときに、関連する DocumentViewBase を提供します。DocumentViewBase
ページを作成して xamSyntaxEditor コントロールを追加します。ServicesManager の RegisterService メソッドを使用して装飾ジェネレーター プロバイダーを登録します。
クラスから拡張する装飾ジェネレーター クラスを作成します。ベース コンストラクターを呼び出すと、装飾ジェネレーターを定義済みの装飾レイヤーと関連するか、新しいレイヤーを作成し、他のレイヤーに相対する z-order 位置を指定できます。
プロパティを使用して装飾レイヤーの AddAdornment メソッドにアクセスします。
普通には、表示線が変更するときに装飾を更新するためにドキュメント ビューの LayoutChanged イベントにハンドラーを追加します。
設定を変更したときに xamSyntaxEditor によって発生した OnRefreshAdornments
追加した装飾要素を解除し、使用中のリソースを解除するために OnUnloaded
このコード例は、カスタム装飾ジェネレーター プロバイダーを作成する方法を紹介します。
C# の場合:
public class WhiteSpaceAdornmentProvider : AdornmentGeneratorProvider
public override SyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase CreateAdornmentGenerator(DocumentViewBase documentView)
WhiteSpaceAdornment adornment = new WhiteSpaceAdornment(documentView);
return adornment;
Visual Basic の場合:
Public Class WhiteSpaceAdornmentProvider
Inherits AdornmentGeneratorProvider
Public Overrides Function CreateAdornmentGenerator(documentView As DocumentViewBase) As SyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase
Dim adornment As New WhiteSpaceAdornment(documentView)
Return adornment
End Function
End Class
C# の場合:
// this adornment will draw symbols to indicate tabs and spaces
public class WhiteSpaceAdornment : SyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase
private AdornmentInfo adornmentInfo;
private Canvas adornmentCanvas;
// the adornment will draw symbols in its own layer defined between the Caret layer and the Text Foreground layer
public WhiteSpaceAdornment(DocumentViewBase dv) :
base(dv, new AdornmentLayerInfo("WhiteSpaceLayer",
new string[] { AdornmentLayerKeys.CaretLayer },
new string[] { AdornmentLayerKeys.TextForegroundLayer }))
// create a canvas for showing the whitespace marks
this.adornmentCanvas = new Canvas();
this.adornmentCanvas.Width = this.DocumentView.TextAreaBounds.Width;
this.adornmentCanvas.Height = this.DocumentView.TextAreaBounds.Height;
// add the adornment and position the canvas at 0,0 with respect to the editing area
this.adornmentInfo = this.AdornmentLayer.AddAdornment(this.adornmentCanvas, new Point(0, 0), null);
// listen for layout changed so that the whitespace marks will be redrawn when scrolling the docuemnt
this.DocumentView.LayoutChanged += UpdateWhiteSpaces;
// create new geometries to update the whitespace marks
private void UpdateWhiteSpaces(object sender, EventArgs e)
// obtain all visible lines
DocumentViewLineCollection visLines = this.DocumentView.VisibleLines;
// clear old geometry
// iterate over all visible lines
foreach (DocumentViewLine visLine in visLines)
SnapshotLineInfo sli = visLine.SnapshotLineInfo;
// iterate over the characters in a single line
for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < sli.Length; charIndex++)
char ch = sli.GetCharacter(charIndex);
if (ch.Equals('\t'))
// if the adornment encounter a tab - create the tab mark
Rect bounds = GetCharBounds(charIndex, visLine, sli);
Path path = CreateTabMarker(Colors.Blue, Colors.Blue, bounds);
else if (ch.Equals(' '))
// if the adornment encounter a space - create the space mark
Rect bounds = GetCharBounds(charIndex, visLine, sli);
Path path = CreateSpaceMarker(Colors.Black, Colors.Black, bounds);
// force repaint of the canvas
// calculate the bounds of a given character
private Rect GetCharBounds(int charIndex, DocumentViewLine visLine, SnapshotLineInfo sli)
Rect result = new Rect();
Point startPoint = visLine.PointFromCharacterIndex(charIndex);
result.X = startPoint.X;
result.Y = startPoint.Y;
Point endPoint;
if (charIndex == sli.Length - 1)
// last line character
endPoint = new Point(visLine.Bounds.Right, visLine.Bounds.Bottom);
// not last line character
endPoint = visLine.PointFromCharacterIndex(charIndex + 1);
endPoint.Y = visLine.Bounds.Bottom;
result.Width = endPoint.X - startPoint.X + 1;
result.Height = endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y + 1;
return result;
// create the geometries for a tab mark
private Path CreateTabMarker(Color stroke, Color fill, Rect bounds)
PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry();
GeometryGroup geoGroup = new GeometryGroup();
// Draw the center line
LineGeometry line = new LineGeometry();
line.StartPoint = new Point(bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2);
line.EndPoint = new Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2);
// Draw the upper part of the arrow tip.
line = new LineGeometry();
line.StartPoint = new Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2);
line.EndPoint = new Point(bounds.Right - 4, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height / 2) - 3);
// Draw the lower part of the arrow tip.
line = new LineGeometry();
line.StartPoint = new Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2);
line.EndPoint = new Point(bounds.Right - 4, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height / 2) + 3);
Path path = new Path();
path.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(fill);
path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(stroke);
path.Data = geoGroup;
return path;
// create the geometries for a space mark
private Path CreateSpaceMarker(Color stroke, Color fill, Rect bounds)
EllipseGeometry geo = new EllipseGeometry();
geo.Center = new Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2);
geo.RadiusX = .5;
geo.RadiusY = .5;
Path path = new Path();
path.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(fill);
path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(stroke);
path.Data = geo;
return path;
// invoked from the Syntax Editor, when there are changes and update is needed
protected override void OnRefreshAdornments()
UpdateWhiteSpaces(null, null);
// unregister event handlers on unload
protected override void OnUnloaded()
this.DocumentView.LayoutChanged -= UpdateWhiteSpaces;
bool removed = this.AdornmentLayer.RemoveAdornment(this.adornmentInfo);
Visual Basic の場合:
' this adornment will draw symbols to indicate tabs and spaces
Public Class WhiteSpaceAdornment
Inherits SyntaxEditorAdornmentGeneratorBase
Private adornmentInfo As AdornmentInfo
Private adornmentCanvas As Canvas
' the adornment will draw symbols in its own layer defined between the Caret layer and the Text Foreground layer
Public Sub New(dv As DocumentViewBase)
MyBase.New(dv, New AdornmentLayerInfo("WhiteSpaceLayer", New String() {AdornmentLayerKeys.CaretLayer}, New String() {AdornmentLayerKeys.TextForegroundLayer}))
' create a canvas for showing the whitespace marks
Me.adornmentCanvas = New Canvas()
Me.adornmentCanvas.Width = Me.DocumentView.TextAreaBounds.Width
Me.adornmentCanvas.Height = Me.DocumentView.TextAreaBounds.Height
' add the adornment and position the canvas at 0,0 with respect to the editing area
Me.adornmentInfo = Me.AdornmentLayer.AddAdornment(Me.adornmentCanvas, New Point(0, 0), Nothing)
' listen for layout changed so that the whitespace marks will be redrawn when scrolling the docuemnt
AddHandler Me.DocumentView.LayoutChanged, AddressOf UpdateWhiteSpaces
End Sub
' create new geometries to update the whitespace marks
Private Sub UpdateWhiteSpaces(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
' obtain all visible lines
Dim visLines As DocumentViewLineCollection = Me.DocumentView.VisibleLines
' clear old geometry
' iterate over all visible lines
For Each visLine As DocumentViewLine In visLines
Dim sli As SnapshotLineInfo = visLine.SnapshotLineInfo
' iterate over the characters in a single line
For charIndex As Integer = 0 To sli.Length - 1
Dim ch As Char = sli.GetCharacter(charIndex)
If ch.Equals(ControlChars.Tab) Then
' if the adornment encounter a tab - create the tab mark
Dim bounds As Rect = GetCharBounds(charIndex, visLine, sli)
Dim path As Path = CreateTabMarker(Colors.Blue, Colors.Blue, bounds)
ElseIf ch.Equals(" "C) Then
' if the adornment encounter a space - create the space mark
Dim bounds As Rect = GetCharBounds(charIndex, visLine, sli)
Dim path As Path = CreateSpaceMarker(Colors.Black, Colors.Black, bounds)
End If
' force repaint of the canvas
End Sub
' calculate the bounds of a given character
Private Function GetCharBounds(charIndex As Integer, visLine As DocumentViewLine, sli As SnapshotLineInfo) As Rect
Dim result As New Rect()
Dim startPoint As Point = visLine.PointFromCharacterIndex(charIndex)
result.X = startPoint.X
result.Y = startPoint.Y
Dim endPoint As Point
If charIndex Is sli.Length - 1 Then
' last line character
endPoint = New Point(visLine.Bounds.Right, visLine.Bounds.Bottom)
' not last line character
endPoint = visLine.PointFromCharacterIndex(charIndex + 1)
endPoint.X -= 1
endPoint.Y = visLine.Bounds.Bottom
End If
result.Width = endPoint.X - startPoint.X + 1
result.Height = endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y + 1
Return result
End Function
' create the geometries for a tab mark
Private Function CreateTabMarker(stroke As Color, fill As Color, bounds As Rect) As Path
Dim geo As New PathGeometry()
Dim geoGroup As New GeometryGroup()
' Draw the center line
Dim line As New LineGeometry()
line.StartPoint = New Point(bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2)
line.EndPoint = New Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2)
' Draw the upper part of the arrow tip.
line = New LineGeometry()
line.StartPoint = New Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2)
line.EndPoint = New Point(bounds.Right - 4, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height / 2) - 3)
' Draw the lower part of the arrow tip.
line = New LineGeometry()
line.StartPoint = New Point(bounds.Right, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2)
line.EndPoint = New Point(bounds.Right - 4, bounds.Top + (bounds.Height / 2) + 3)
Dim path As New Path()
path.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(fill)
path.Stroke = New SolidColorBrush(stroke)
path.Data = geoGroup
Return path
End Function
' create the geometries for a space mark
Private Function CreateSpaceMarker(stroke As Color, fill As Color, bounds As Rect) As Path
Dim geo As New EllipseGeometry()
geo.Center = New Point(bounds.Left + bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Top + bounds.Height / 2)
geo.RadiusX = 0.5
geo.RadiusY = 0.5
Dim path As New Path()
path.Fill = New SolidColorBrush(fill)
path.Stroke = New SolidColorBrush(stroke)
path.Data = geo
Return path
End Function
' invoked from the Syntax Editor, when there are changes and update is needed
Protected Overrides Sub OnRefreshAdornments()
UpdateWhiteSpaces(Nothing, Nothing)
End Sub
' unregister event handlers on unload
Protected Overrides Sub OnUnloaded()
RemoveHandler Me.DocumentView.LayoutChanged, AddressOf UpdateWhiteSpaces
Dim removed As Boolean = Me.AdornmentLayer.RemoveAdornment(Me.adornmentInfo)
End Sub
End Class
このコード例は、カスタム装飾ジェネレーター プロバイダーを TextDocument の言語によって提供されるサービス マネージャーに登録する方法を紹介します。
C# の場合:
new WhiteSpaceAdornmentProvider());
Visual Basic の場合:
Me.xamSyntaxEditor1.Document.Language.ServicesManager.RegisterService( _
"WhiteSpaceAdornment", New WhiteSpaceAdornmentProvider())