バージョン 24.2 (最新)

IsFilteredOut プロパティ (DataRecordCellArea)

このレコードがフィルター アウトされている場合は、True を返します (読み取り専用)。
public Nullable<bool> IsFilteredOut {get;}


レコードが現在の有効のレコード フィルターを満たさない場合は、True。満たす場合は、False。ただし、アクティブ レコード フィルターがない場合、このプロパティは Null を返します。

Imports Infragistics.Windows
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Controls
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Editors
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events

    Private Sub Window1_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
        ' By default the data presenter hides records not matching filter criteria.
        ' Set the FilterAction to None to keep those records in view.
        _dp.FieldLayoutSettings.FilterAction = RecordFilterAction.None

        Dim filter As RecordFilter = New RecordFilter()
        filter.FieldName = "Country"
        filter.Conditions.Add(New ComparisonCondition(ComparisonOperator.Equals, "US"))

        ' Create a style that targets DataRecordCellArea.
        Dim style As Style = New Style(GetType(DataRecordCellArea))

        ' Add a trigger that will highlight records green that match the filter criteria.
        Dim matchCriteriaTrigger As Trigger = New Trigger()
        matchCriteriaTrigger.Property = DataRecordCellArea.IsFilteredOutProperty
        matchCriteriaTrigger.Value = False
        matchCriteriaTrigger.Setters.Add(New Setter(Control.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.LightGreen))

        ' Add a trigger that will highlight records yellow that match the filter criteria.
        Dim notMatchCriteriaTrigger As Trigger = New Trigger()
        notMatchCriteriaTrigger.Property = DataRecordCellArea.IsFilteredOutProperty
        notMatchCriteriaTrigger.Value = True
        notMatchCriteriaTrigger.Setters.Add(New Setter(Control.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.LightYellow))


        ' Add the style.
        _dp.Resources.Add(GetType(DataRecordCellArea), style)

    End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property IsFilteredOut As Nullable(Of Boolean)
using Infragistics.Windows;
using Infragistics.Windows.Controls;
using Infragistics.Windows.Editors;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events;

		public void Window1_Loaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
			// By default the data presenter hides records not matching filter criteria.
			// Set the FilterAction to None to keep those records in view.
			_dp.FieldLayoutSettings.FilterAction = RecordFilterAction.None;

			RecordFilter filter = new RecordFilter( );
			filter.FieldName = "Country";
			filter.Conditions.Add( new ComparisonCondition( ComparisonOperator.Equals, "US" ) );
			_dp.FieldLayouts[0].RecordFilters.Add( filter );

			// Create a style that targets DataRecordCellArea.
			Style style = new Style( typeof( DataRecordCellArea ) );
			// Add a trigger that will highlight records green that match the filter criteria.
			Trigger matchCriteriaTrigger = new Trigger( );
			matchCriteriaTrigger.Property = DataRecordCellArea.IsFilteredOutProperty;
			matchCriteriaTrigger.Value = false;
			matchCriteriaTrigger.Setters.Add( new Setter( Control.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.LightGreen ) );

			// Add a trigger that will highlight records yellow that match the filter criteria.
			Trigger notMatchCriteriaTrigger = new Trigger( );
			notMatchCriteriaTrigger.Property = DataRecordCellArea.IsFilteredOutProperty;
			notMatchCriteriaTrigger.Value = true;
			notMatchCriteriaTrigger.Setters.Add( new Setter( Control.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.LightYellow ) );
			style.Triggers.Add( matchCriteriaTrigger );
			style.Triggers.Add( notMatchCriteriaTrigger );

			// Add the style.
			_dp.Resources.Add( typeof( DataRecordCellArea ), style );
Public ReadOnly Property IsFilteredOut As Nullable(Of Boolean)
        <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="_dp" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" >

<!--By default the data presenter hides records not matching filter criteria.
         Set the FilterAction to None to keep those records in view.
<igDP:FieldLayoutSettings FilterAction="None" />
<!--Create a style that targets DataRecordCellArea.-->
<Style x:Key="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordCellArea}" TargetType="{x:Type igDP:DataRecordCellArea}">
<!--Add a trigger that will highlight records green that match the filter criteria.-->
<Trigger Property="IsFilteredOut" Value="false">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="LightGreen" />
<!--Add a trigger that will highlight records yellow that match the filter criteria.-->
<Trigger Property="IsFilteredOut" Value="true">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="LightYellow" />

<igDP:FieldLayout IsDefault="true">

<!--Add a filter for 'Country' field-->
<igDP:RecordFilter FieldName="Country">
<igWindows:ComparisonCondition Operator="Equals" Value="US" />
Public ReadOnly Property IsFilteredOut As Nullable(Of Boolean)