バージョン 22.2

KeyActionMappings プロパティ (UltraDayView)

UltraDayViewKeyActionMappings オブジェクトを返します。このオブジェクトは、ユーザーのキーストロークに対するコントロールの反応を再設定する機能を提供します。
public UltraDayViewKeyActionMappings KeyActionMappings {get;}

KeyCode ActionCode StateRequired StateDisallowed SpecialKeysRequired SpecialKeysDisallowed
SameTimeSlotNextDay TimeSlotSelected AppointmentInEdit, VisibleDaySelected なし なし
SameTimeSlotPreviousDay TimeSlotSelected AppointmentInEdit, VisibleDaySelected なし なし
Up PreviousTimeSlot TimeSlotSelected AppointmentInEdit なし なし
Down NextTimeSlot TimeSlotSelected AppointmentInEdit なし なし
Home FirstWorkingHourTimeSlot なし AppointmentInEdit なし なし
End LastWorkingHourTimeSlot なし AppointmentInEdit なし なし
Prior PageUp なし なし なし なし
Next PageDown なし なし なし なし
NextVisibleDay VisibleDaySelected AppointmentInEdit, TimeSlotSelected なし なし
PreviousVisibleDay VisibleDaySelected AppointmentInEdit, TimeSlotSelected なし なし
削除 DeleteSelectedAppointments AppointmentsSelected AppointmentInEdit なし なし
Enter EndCurrentEditSaveChanges AppointmentInEdit 0 なし なし
Esc EndCurrentEditDiscardChanges AppointmentInEdit 0 なし なし

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

	Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

		Dim newMapping As UltraDayViewKeyActionMapping

		' Add a custom key/action mapping to the UltraDayView that 
		' will navigate to the first working-hour time slot 
		' when the control has focus but is not selecting time slots 
		' and the users presses the ‘W’ key (unless the
		' 'alt’ key is also pressed). 
		newMapping = New UltraDayViewKeyActionMapping(Keys.W, UltraDayViewAction.FirstWorkingHourTimeSlot, UltraDayViewState.SelectingTimeSlots, 0, Infragistics.Win.SpecialKeys.Alt, 0)


	End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property KeyActionMappings As UltraDayViewKeyActionMappings
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			UltraDayViewKeyActionMapping newMapping = null;

			// Add a custom key/action mapping to the UltraDayView that 
			// will navigate to the time slot containing the time 8 AM
			// when the control has focus but is not selecting time slots 
			// and the users presses the ‘W’ key (unless the
			// 'alt’ key is also pressed). 
			newMapping = new UltraDayViewKeyActionMapping(Keys.W, UltraDayViewAction.FirstWorkingHourTimeSlot, UltraDayViewState.SelectingTimeSlots, 0, Infragistics.Win.SpecialKeys.Alt, 0);

Public ReadOnly Property KeyActionMappings As UltraDayViewKeyActionMappings