public virtual bool PerformKeyAction( UltraDayViewAction actionCode, bool shift, bool control )
'宣言 Public Overridable Function PerformKeyAction( _ ByVal actionCode As UltraDayViewAction, _ ByVal shift As Boolean, _ ByVal control As Boolean _ ) As Boolean
アクションの多くは、特定の状況においてのみ適切です。アクションが不適切な場合、そのアクションは実行されません。たとえば、DeleteSelectedAppointments アクションを実行することによって予定を削除しようとしても、予定が選択されていない場合には、何の影響もありません。
CurrentState プロパティを使用して、アクションが実行されようとしているときにコントロールの状態を決定します。
Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click ' Get the current state of the UltraDayView control Dim state As UltraDayViewState = Me.UltraDayView1.CurrentState ' Check the state bit flags to see if a time slot is selected If (state And UltraDayViewState.TimeSlotSelected) <> 0 Then ' Since a time slot is selected, call PerformAction ' to select the same time slot in the next day. Me.UltraDayView1.PerformAction(UltraDayViewAction.SameTimeSlotNextDay) End If End Sub
'宣言 Public Overridable Function PerformKeyAction( _ ByVal actionCode As UltraDayViewAction, _ ByVal shift As Boolean, _ ByVal control As Boolean _ ) As Boolean
using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule; private void button4_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Get the current state of the UltraDayView control UltraDayViewState state = this.ultraDayView1.CurrentState; // Check the state bit flags to see if a time slot is selected if ((state & UltraDayViewState.TimeSlotSelected) != 0) { // Since a time slot is selected, call PerformAction // to select the same time slot in the next day. this.ultraDayView1.PerformAction(UltraDayViewAction.SameTimeSlotNextDay); } }
'宣言 Public Overridable Function PerformKeyAction( _ ByVal actionCode As UltraDayViewAction, _ ByVal shift As Boolean, _ ByVal control As Boolean _ ) As Boolean