バージョン 22.2

ShowOwnerHeader プロパティ (UltraDayView)

public Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean ShowOwnerHeader {get; set;}
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        '	Add some owners to the UltraCalendarInfo's Owners collection
        Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("stan", "Stan Marsh")
        Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("kyle", "Kyle Broflovski")
        Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("cartman", "Eric Cartman")
        Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add("kenny", "Kenny McCormick")

        '	Hide the 'unassigned owner', so that only the owners we added
        '	to the collection are displayed by any attached controls
        Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners.UnassignedOwner.Visible = False

        '	Associate the UltraDayView control with the UltraCalendarInfo
        '	that we just added the owners to
        Me.UltraDayView1.CalendarInfo = Me.UltraCalendarInfo1

        '	Set the 'GroupingStyle' property to 'DateWithinOwner'
        '	so that the owner's header is displayed above the day headers
        Me.UltraDayView1.GroupingStyle = DayViewGroupingStyle.DateWithinOwner

        '	Set the 'ColumnScrolling' property to 'GroupScrollButtonsOnly'
        '	so the end user can navigate between owners without the
        '	need for a scrollbar
        Me.UltraDayView1.ColumnScrolling = DayViewColumnScrolling.GroupScrollButtonsOnly

        '	Set the 'AllowColumnResizing' property to true so that the
        '	end user can resize columns
        Me.UltraDayView1.AllowColumnResizing = DefaultableBoolean.True

        '	Set the 'MinimumColumnWidth' property to 150 to prevent the columns
        '	from becoming too narrow when the user resizes them
        Me.UltraDayView1.MinimumColumnWidth = 150

        '	Set the 'MaximumVisibleDays' property to 1 so that only one
        '	day is displayed at a time, regardless of the number of days
        '	that are selected.
        Me.UltraDayView1.MaximumVisibleDays = 1

        '	Set the 'PreferredColumnWidth' property to 150 so the columns
        '	start off with that initial width
        Me.UltraDayView1.PreferredColumnWidth = 150

        '	Set the 'ShowOwnerHeader' property to true so that the
        '	owners' headers are displayed
        Me.UltraDayView1.ShowOwnerHeader = DefaultableBoolean.True

        '	Use the 'EnsureColumnInView' method to bring a particular owner
        '	column into view. We'll specify true for the 'forceFirst' parameter
        '	so that the owner is displayed in the leftmost column.
        '	Also, we'll use the 'IsColumnInView' method to determine whether the
        '	column is already in view before proceeding.
        Dim cartman As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Owner
        cartman = Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Owners("cartman")
        If Me.UltraDayView1.IsColumnInView(DateTime.Today, cartman) = False Then
            Me.UltraDayView1.EnsureColumnInView(DateTime.Today, cartman, True)
        End If

        '	Get the first column displayed by the control via the 'InViewColumns'
        '	collection. We'll use the 'InViewColumnCount' property to verify that
        '	we have at least one column in view.
        If Me.UltraDayView1.InViewColumnCount >= 1 Then
            '	Get a reference to the InViewColumn
            Dim column As InViewColumn = Me.UltraDayView1.InViewColumns(0)

            '	Display some information about the InViewColumn in the debugger's output window
            Debug.WriteLine("The first in-view column's index is " + column.Index.ToString())
            Debug.WriteLine("The first in-view column's logical index is " + column.LogicalIndex.ToString())
            Debug.WriteLine("The first in-view column's date is " + column.Date.ToShortDateString())
            Debug.WriteLine("The first in-view column's owner is '" + column.Owner.Name + "'")
        End If

    End Sub
Public Property ShowOwnerHeader As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using System.Diagnostics;

		private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			//	Add some owners to the UltraCalendarInfo's Owners collection
			this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add( "stan", "Stan Marsh" );
			this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add( "kyle", "Kyle Broflovski" );
			this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add( "cartman", "Eric Cartman" );
			this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.Add( "kenny", "Kenny McCormick" );

			//	Hide the 'unassigned owner', so that only the owners we added
			//	to the collection are displayed by any attached controls
			this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners.UnassignedOwner.Visible = false;

			//	Associate the UltraDayView control with the UltraCalendarInfo
			//	that we just added the owners to
			this.ultraDayView1.CalendarInfo = this.ultraCalendarInfo1;

			//	Set the 'GroupingStyle' property to 'DateWithinOwner'
			//	so that the owner's header is displayed above the day headers
			this.ultraDayView1.GroupingStyle = DayViewGroupingStyle.DateWithinOwner;

			//	Set the 'ColumnScrolling' property to 'GroupScrollButtonsOnly'
			//	so the end user can navigate between owners without the
			//	need for a scrollbar
			this.ultraDayView1.ColumnScrolling = DayViewColumnScrolling.GroupScrollButtonsOnly;

			//	Set the 'AllowColumnResizing' property to true so that the
			//	end user can resize columns
			this.ultraDayView1.AllowColumnResizing = DefaultableBoolean.True;

			//	Set the 'MinimumColumnWidth' property to 150 to prevent the columns
			//	from becoming too narrow when the user resizes them
			this.ultraDayView1.MinimumColumnWidth = 150;

			//	Set the 'MaximumVisibleDays' property to 1 so that only one
			//	day is displayed at a time, regardless of the number of days
			//	that are selected.
			this.ultraDayView1.MaximumVisibleDays = 1;

			//	Set the 'PreferredColumnWidth' property to 150 so the columns
			//	start off with that initial width
			this.ultraDayView1.PreferredColumnWidth = 150;

			//	Set the 'ShowOwnerHeader' property to true so that the
			//	owners' headers are displayed
			this.ultraDayView1.ShowOwnerHeader = DefaultableBoolean.True;

			//	Use the 'EnsureColumnInView' method to bring a particular owner
			//	column into view. We'll specify true for the 'forceFirst' parameter
			//	so that the owner is displayed in the leftmost column.
			//	Also, we'll use the 'IsColumnInView' method to determine whether the
			//	column is already in view before proceeding.
			Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.Owner cartman = this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Owners[ "cartman" ];
			if ( this.ultraDayView1.IsColumnInView(DateTime.Today, cartman) == false )
				this.ultraDayView1.EnsureColumnInView( DateTime.Today, cartman, true );

			//	Get the first column displayed by the control via the 'InViewColumns'
			//	collection. We'll use the 'InViewColumnCount' property to verify that
			//	we have at least one column in view.
			if ( this.ultraDayView1.InViewColumnCount >= 1 )
				//	Get a reference to the InViewColumn
				InViewColumn column = this.ultraDayView1.InViewColumns[0];

				//	Display some information about the InViewColumn in the debugger's output window
				Debug.WriteLine( "The first in-view column's index is " + column.Index.ToString() );
				Debug.WriteLine( "The first in-view column's logical index is " + column.LogicalIndex.ToString() );
				Debug.WriteLine( "The first in-view column's date is " + column.Date.ToShortDateString() );
				Debug.WriteLine( "The first in-view column's owner is '" + column.Owner.Name + "'" );

Public Property ShowOwnerHeader As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean