バージョン 21.1

TemplateMonthViewMulti プロパティ

public UltraMonthViewMulti TemplateMonthViewMulti {get; set;}
Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ' the CalendarInfo property provides the source of the
        ' activity information, owners, etc. that will be printed
        ' and is commonly set to the same UltraCalendarInfo 
        ' associated with the winschedule controls (e.g. UltraDayView,
        ' UltraWeekView, etc.) displaying the information to the
        ' end user
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarInfo = Me.ultraCalendarInfo1

        ' the CalendarLook is used to initialize the CalendarInfo
        ' properties of the controls created for the print operation.
        ' setting this to the same instance that is referenced by 
        ' the controls on the form will allow the print output
        ' to more closely match the view displayed by the controls
        ' on the form
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarLook = Me.ultraCalendarLook1

        ' the "template" properties are used to initialize the
        ' properties of the controls created for the print operation
        ' and make it easier to print in a wysiwyg fashion. the
        ' settings may be further tweaked using the "Initialize" events
        ' of the UltraSchedulePrintDocument.
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDayView = Me.ultraDayView1
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewMulti = Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewSingle = Me.ultraMonthViewSingle1
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateWeekView = Me.ultraWeekView1

        ' the TemplateDateHeaderMonthViewMulti control is the control
        ' used to render the months in the date header area and is separate
        ' from the TemplateMonthViewMulti which is used to initialize
        ' the mvm used when printing a full year of data on a single page.
        ' it is not often necessary to assign this template control
        'this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDateHeaderMonthViewMulti = this.ultraMonthViewMulti1;

        ' the 'PrintStyle' property determines the type of view
        ' that will be printed. note that depending on the print style
        ' some properties on the control created for the print
        ' operation may be overriden
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.TriFold

        ' also, depending on the print style some properties of 
        ' the UltraSchedulePrintDocument will be available to 
        ' control the print operation. 
        ' print a single page per owner
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldLayoutStyle = TriFoldLayoutStyle.PagePerOwner

        ' in a trifold print style, the primary factor that determines how
        ' many pages are printed is based on what is the most limiting
        ' section type. in the following example, the weekly print style
        ' is the most limiting and a separate page will be printed per week
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleLeft = TriFoldSectionStyle.Monthly
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleCenter = TriFoldSectionStyle.Weekly
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleRight = TriFoldSectionStyle.CalendarInfoNotesArea

        ' the 'PrintRange' property controls the range of information
        ' that will be printed. by default, the print will be based
        ' on the selection (selectedappointments for a memo style) and
        ' selected date ranges for all other print styles.
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintRange = SchedulePrintRange.SpecifiedDateRange

        ' when using a 'SpecifiedDateRange' print range, the 
        ' StartDate and EndDate properties should be set
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.StartDate = DateTime.Today
        Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(3)
    End Sub
Public Property TemplateMonthViewMulti As UltraMonthViewMulti
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// the CalendarInfo property provides the source of the
			// activity information, owners, etc. that will be printed
			// and is commonly set to the same UltraCalendarInfo 
			// associated with the winschedule controls (e.g. UltraDayView,
			// UltraWeekView, etc.) displaying the information to the
			// end user
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarInfo = this.ultraCalendarInfo1;

			// the CalendarLook is used to initialize the CalendarInfo
			// properties of the controls created for the print operation.
			// setting this to the same instance that is referenced by 
			// the controls on the form will allow the print output
			// to more closely match the view displayed by the controls
			// on the form
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1;

			// the "template" properties are used to initialize the
			// properties of the controls created for the print operation
			// and make it easier to print in a wysiwyg fashion. the
			// settings may be further tweaked using the "Initialize" events
			// of the UltraSchedulePrintDocument.
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDayView = this.ultraDayView1;
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewMulti = this.ultraMonthViewMulti1;
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewSingle = this.ultraMonthViewSingle1;
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateWeekView = this.ultraWeekView1;

			// the TemplateDateHeaderMonthViewMulti control is the control
			// used to render the months in the date header area and is separate
			// from the TemplateMonthViewMulti which is used to initialize
			// the mvm used when printing a full year of data on a single page.
			// it is not often necessary to assign this template control
			//this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDateHeaderMonthViewMulti = this.ultraMonthViewMulti1;

			// the 'PrintStyle' property determines the type of view
			// that will be printed. note that depending on the print style
			// some properties on the control created for the print
			// operation may be overriden
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.TriFold;

			// also, depending on the print style some properties of 
			// the UltraSchedulePrintDocument will be available to 
			// control the print operation. 
			// print a single page per owner
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldLayoutStyle = TriFoldLayoutStyle.PagePerOwner;

			// in a trifold print style, the primary factor that determines how
			// many pages are printed is based on what is the most limiting
			// section type. in the following example, the weekly print style
			// is the most limiting and a separate page will be printed per week
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleLeft = TriFoldSectionStyle.Monthly;
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleCenter = TriFoldSectionStyle.Weekly;
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleRight = TriFoldSectionStyle.CalendarInfoNotesArea;

			// the 'PrintRange' property controls the range of information
			// that will be printed. by default, the print will be based
			// on the selection (selectedappointments for a memo style) and
			// selected date ranges for all other print styles.
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintRange = SchedulePrintRange.SpecifiedDateRange;

			// when using a 'SpecifiedDateRange' print range, the 
			// StartDate and EndDate properties should be set
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.StartDate = DateTime.Today;
			this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(3);
Public Property TemplateMonthViewMulti As UltraMonthViewMulti