public SchedulePrintStyle PrintStyle {get; set;}
'宣言 Public Property PrintStyle As SchedulePrintStyle
PrintStyle プロパティは Timeline に設定された場合は、印刷の出力を作成するのに UltraTimelineView を使用します。コントロールの PrimaryInterval は印刷出力の詳細レベルを決定します。デフォルトで、PrimaryInterval が 15 分のサイクルを生成します。印刷結果のタイムラインの詳細レベルは TemplateTimelineView プロパティに UltraTimelineView コントロールのインスタンスを割り当てし、このインスタンスの PrimaryInterval のプロパティを設定することによってコントロールできます。
印刷結果のページ数は複数の要因に基づいて決定されます。PrintRange プロパティの値に決定される印刷される時間の範囲は印刷される分/時間/日を決定します。ColumnWidth プロパティによって列の幅が決定されますが、各ページの表示される列の数を設定するのにこの値を調整できます。
Owner のグループ化が有効な場合は、visible owners 数は印刷ページ数に影響を及ぼします。MaximumOwnersInView プロパティを設定することによって、各ページに表示されるオーナーの数をコントロールできます。プロパティの値を増やすことによって、各ページに表示されるオーナーが増えますので、ページ数が減ります。
注: Timeline 設定を使用することによって、隣接の時間の範囲のみ印刷できます。たとえば、PrintRange プロパティを SelectedDateRanges に設定された場合は、選択からの開始の日付から終了の日付まで印刷されます。選択は連続しない範囲の場合でも印刷されます。隙間は印刷結果から削除されません。
Imports Infragistics.Shared Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' the CalendarInfo property provides the source of the ' activity information, owners, etc. that will be printed ' and is commonly set to the same UltraCalendarInfo ' associated with the winschedule controls (e.g. UltraDayView, ' UltraWeekView, etc.) displaying the information to the ' end user Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarInfo = Me.ultraCalendarInfo1 ' the CalendarLook is used to initialize the CalendarInfo ' properties of the controls created for the print operation. ' setting this to the same instance that is referenced by ' the controls on the form will allow the print output ' to more closely match the view displayed by the controls ' on the form Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarLook = Me.ultraCalendarLook1 ' the "template" properties are used to initialize the ' properties of the controls created for the print operation ' and make it easier to print in a wysiwyg fashion. the ' settings may be further tweaked using the "Initialize" events ' of the UltraSchedulePrintDocument. Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDayView = Me.ultraDayView1 Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewMulti = Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1 Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewSingle = Me.ultraMonthViewSingle1 Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateWeekView = Me.ultraWeekView1 ' the TemplateDateHeaderMonthViewMulti control is the control ' used to render the months in the date header area and is separate ' from the TemplateMonthViewMulti which is used to initialize ' the mvm used when printing a full year of data on a single page. ' it is not often necessary to assign this template control 'this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDateHeaderMonthViewMulti = this.ultraMonthViewMulti1; ' the 'PrintStyle' property determines the type of view ' that will be printed. note that depending on the print style ' some properties on the control created for the print ' operation may be overriden Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.TriFold ' also, depending on the print style some properties of ' the UltraSchedulePrintDocument will be available to ' control the print operation. ' print a single page per owner Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldLayoutStyle = TriFoldLayoutStyle.PagePerOwner ' in a trifold print style, the primary factor that determines how ' many pages are printed is based on what is the most limiting ' section type. in the following example, the weekly print style ' is the most limiting and a separate page will be printed per week Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleLeft = TriFoldSectionStyle.Monthly Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleCenter = TriFoldSectionStyle.Weekly Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleRight = TriFoldSectionStyle.CalendarInfoNotesArea ' the 'PrintRange' property controls the range of information ' that will be printed. by default, the print will be based ' on the selection (selectedappointments for a memo style) and ' selected date ranges for all other print styles. Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintRange = SchedulePrintRange.SpecifiedDateRange ' when using a 'SpecifiedDateRange' print range, the ' StartDate and EndDate properties should be set Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.StartDate = DateTime.Today Me.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(3) End Sub
'宣言 Public Property PrintStyle As SchedulePrintStyle
using Infragistics.Shared; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule; private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // the CalendarInfo property provides the source of the // activity information, owners, etc. that will be printed // and is commonly set to the same UltraCalendarInfo // associated with the winschedule controls (e.g. UltraDayView, // UltraWeekView, etc.) displaying the information to the // end user this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarInfo = this.ultraCalendarInfo1; // the CalendarLook is used to initialize the CalendarInfo // properties of the controls created for the print operation. // setting this to the same instance that is referenced by // the controls on the form will allow the print output // to more closely match the view displayed by the controls // on the form this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.CalendarLook = this.ultraCalendarLook1; // the "template" properties are used to initialize the // properties of the controls created for the print operation // and make it easier to print in a wysiwyg fashion. the // settings may be further tweaked using the "Initialize" events // of the UltraSchedulePrintDocument. this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDayView = this.ultraDayView1; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewMulti = this.ultraMonthViewMulti1; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateMonthViewSingle = this.ultraMonthViewSingle1; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateWeekView = this.ultraWeekView1; // the TemplateDateHeaderMonthViewMulti control is the control // used to render the months in the date header area and is separate // from the TemplateMonthViewMulti which is used to initialize // the mvm used when printing a full year of data on a single page. // it is not often necessary to assign this template control //this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TemplateDateHeaderMonthViewMulti = this.ultraMonthViewMulti1; // the 'PrintStyle' property determines the type of view // that will be printed. note that depending on the print style // some properties on the control created for the print // operation may be overriden this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.TriFold; // also, depending on the print style some properties of // the UltraSchedulePrintDocument will be available to // control the print operation. // print a single page per owner this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldLayoutStyle = TriFoldLayoutStyle.PagePerOwner; // in a trifold print style, the primary factor that determines how // many pages are printed is based on what is the most limiting // section type. in the following example, the weekly print style // is the most limiting and a separate page will be printed per week this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleLeft = TriFoldSectionStyle.Monthly; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleCenter = TriFoldSectionStyle.Weekly; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.TriFoldStyleRight = TriFoldSectionStyle.CalendarInfoNotesArea; // the 'PrintRange' property controls the range of information // that will be printed. by default, the print will be based // on the selection (selectedappointments for a memo style) and // selected date ranges for all other print styles. this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintRange = SchedulePrintRange.SpecifiedDateRange; // when using a 'SpecifiedDateRange' print range, the // StartDate and EndDate properties should be set this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.StartDate = DateTime.Today; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(3); }
'宣言 Public Property PrintStyle As SchedulePrintStyle