
AllowDockingInTabGroup プロパティ

別のペイン内の TabGroupPane でペインをドッキングできるかどうかを示します。False の時に、ペインをこのペインにドッキングできません。またタブ グループを作成するようにこのペインを別のペインにドラッグできません。
Public Property AllowDockingInTabGroup As Boolean
public bool AllowDockingInTabGroup {get; set;}
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DockManager

Private Sub InitializeDmTabs(ByVal dockManager As XamDockManager)
    ' The AllowInDocumentHost is used to control 
    ' whether the end user may move the pane into 
    ' the DocumentContentHost associated with the 
    ' containing dockmanager. For this pane you 
    ' cannot right click and choose Document nor 
    ' can you drag it into the DocumentContentHost. 
    Dim cpNeverDoc As New ContentPane()
    cpNeverDoc.Header = "Never a Document"
    cpNeverDoc.AllowInDocumentHost = False

    ' AllowDockingInTabGroup is used to control 
    ' whether the end user can put the pane into 
    ' a dockable tab group (or create a tabgroup 
    ' using the pane). Note, it does not affect 
    ' the pane when in the document content host. 
    ' For this pane, you cannot drag it to another 
    ' docked pane to create a tab group and cannot 
    ' drag another pane into this such that it 
    ' creates a tab group. 
    Dim cpNeverTab As New ContentPane()
    cpNeverTab.Header = "Never in Docked Tab"
    cpNeverTab.AllowDockingInTabGroup = False

    Dim cpAll As New ContentPane()
    cpAll.Header = "Everything Allowed"

    Dim split As New SplitPane()
    split.SplitterOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal

    dockManager.Content = New DocumentContentHost()
End Sub
using Infragistics.Windows.DockManager;

private void InitializeDmTabs(XamDockManager dockManager)
	// The AllowInDocumentHost is used to control 
	// whether the end user may move the pane into 
	// the DocumentContentHost associated with the 
	// containing dockmanager. For this pane you 
	// cannot right click and choose Document nor 
	// can you drag it into the DocumentContentHost.
	ContentPane cpNeverDoc = new ContentPane();
	cpNeverDoc.Header = "Never a Document";
	cpNeverDoc.AllowInDocumentHost = false;

	// AllowDockingInTabGroup is used to control 
	// whether the end user can put the pane into 
	// a dockable tab group (or create a tabgroup 
	// using the pane). Note, it does not affect 
	// the pane when in the document content host. 
	// For this pane, you cannot drag it to another 
	// docked pane to create a tab group and cannot 
	// drag another pane into this such that it
	// creates a tab group.
	ContentPane cpNeverTab = new ContentPane();
	cpNeverTab.Header = "Never in Docked Tab";
	cpNeverTab.AllowDockingInTabGroup = false;

	ContentPane cpAll = new ContentPane();
	cpAll.Header = "Everything Allowed";

	SplitPane split = new SplitPane();
	split.SplitterOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal;

	dockManager.Content = new DocumentContentHost();
<igDock:SplitPane SplitterOrientation="Horizontal">
<!-- The AllowInDocumentHost is used to control 
                 whether the end user may move the pane into 
                 the DocumentContentHost associated with the 
                 containing dockmanager. For this pane you 
                 cannot right click and choose Document nor 
                 can you drag it into the DocumentContentHost. 
<igDock:ContentPane Header="Never a Document"
AllowInDocumentHost="False" />
<!-- AllowDockingInTabGroup is used to control 
                 whether the end user can put the pane into 
                 a dockable tab group (or create a tabgroup 
                 using the pane). Note, it does not affect 
                 the pane when in the document content host. 
                 For this pane, you cannot drag it to another 
                 docked pane to create a tab group and cannot 
                 drag another pane into this such that it
                 creates a tab group. 
<igDock:ContentPane Header="Never in Docked Tab"
AllowDockingInTabGroup="False" />
<igDock:ContentPane Header="Everything Allowed" />
<igDock:DocumentContentHost />