バージョン 24.2 (最新)

PaneDragEnded イベント

ペイン ドラッグ操作が終了したときに呼び出されます。
public event EventHandler<PaneDragEndedEventArgs> PaneDragEnded
イベント データ

イベント ハンドラが、このイベントに関連するデータを含む、PaneDragEndedEventArgs 型の引数を受け取りました。次の PaneDragEndedEventArgs プロパティには、このイベントの固有の情報が記載されます。

Handled System.Windows.RoutedEventArgsから継承されます。Gets or sets a value that indicates the present state of the event handling for a routed event as it travels the route.
OriginalSource System.Windows.RoutedEventArgsから継承されます。Gets the original reporting source as determined by pure hit testing, before any possible System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.Source adjustment by a parent class.
Panes ドラッグされたペインのコレクションを返します。
RoutedEvent System.Windows.RoutedEventArgsから継承されます。Gets or sets the System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.RoutedEvent associated with this System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs instance.
Source System.Windows.RoutedEventArgsから継承されます。Gets or sets a reference to the object that raised the event.
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DockManager
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DockManager.Events

Private Sub XamDockManager_PaneDragEnded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PaneDragEndedEventArgs)
    ' the PaneDragEnded event is fired when the drag operation 
    ' completes and provides the list of panes that were dragged. 
    Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder()

    ' you can see the panes that are being dragged 
    For Each pane As ContentPane In e.Panes

    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(sb.ToString(), "PaneDragEnded")
End Sub
Public Event PaneDragEnded As EventHandler(Of PaneDragEndedEventArgs)
using Infragistics.Windows.DockManager;
using Infragistics.Windows.DockManager.Events;

private void XamDockManager_PaneDragEnded(object sender, PaneDragEndedEventArgs e)
	// the PaneDragEnded event is fired when the drag operation
	// completes and provides the list of panes that were dragged.
	System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

	// you can see the panes that are being dragged
	foreach (ContentPane pane in e.Panes)

	System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(sb.ToString(), "PaneDragEnded");
Public Event PaneDragEnded As EventHandler(Of PaneDragEndedEventArgs)
<igDock:XamDockManager PaneDragEnded="XamDockManager_PaneDragEnded">
<igDock:ContentPane Header="Test Pane" AllowDockingRight="False" />
<igDock:SplitPane igDock:XamDockManager.InitialLocation="DockedRight">
<igDock:ContentPane Header="Don't Allow" AllowFloatingOnly="False" AllowDockingFloating="False"/>
Public Event PaneDragEnded As EventHandler(Of PaneDragEndedEventArgs)