バージョン 24.2 (最新)

ViewSettings プロパティ (GridView)

この GridView の GridViewSettings オブジェクトを返すまたは設定します。
public GridViewSettings ViewSettings {get; set;}

GridViewSettings は、GridView によってサポートされる機能をユーザーに制御可能にするプロパティを公開します。これらのプロパティの詳細は、GridViewSettings オブジェクトの項を参照してください。


<!-- Setting UseNestedPanels to true on a XamDataGrid will
         cause nested content to become active. This will enable
         any chrome, animations and triggers relating to
         RecordPresenters' nested content.
<igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="xamDataGrid1">
<igDP:GridViewSettings UseNestedPanels="True" Orientation="Vertical"/>

<!-- Here is how you would set UseNestedPanels properties
         on a XamDataPresenter.
         Note: the default value for UseNestedPanels is false and
               the default value for Orientation is Vertical.
<igDP:XamDataPresenter x:Name="xamDataPresenter1">
<igDP:GridViewSettings UseNestedPanels="True" Orientation="Vertical"/>

Public Property ViewSettings As GridViewSettings
' Setting UseNestedPanels to true on a XamDataGrid will
' cause nested content to become active. This will enable
' any chrome, animations and triggers relating to
' RecordPresenters' nested content.
Me.xamDataGrid1.ViewSettings.UseNestedPanels = True
Me.xamDataGrid1.ViewSettings.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical

' Here is how you would set ViewSettings properties
' on a XamDataPresenter.
' Note: the default value for UseNestedPanels is false and
'       the default value for Orientation is Vertical.
Dim gv As New Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridView
gv.ViewSettings.UseNestedPanels = True
gv.ViewSettings.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
Me.xamDataPresenter1.View = gv
Public Property ViewSettings As GridViewSettings
// Setting UseNestedPanels to true on a XamDataGrid will
     // cause nested content to become active. This will enable
     // any chrome, animations and triggers relating to
     // RecordPresenters' nested content.
     this.xamDataGrid1.ViewSettings.UseNestedPanels = true;
     this.xamDataGrid1.ViewSettings.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;

     // Here is how you would set ViewSettings properties
     // on a XamDataPresenter.
     // Note: the default value for UseNestedPanels is false and
     //       the default value for Orientation is Vertical.
     Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridView gv 
         = new Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.GridView();
     gv.ViewSettings.UseNestedPanels = true;
     gv.ViewSettings.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
     this.xamDataPresenter1.View = gv;
Public Property ViewSettings As GridViewSettings