Imports System.Diagnostics Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars Private Sub UltraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs) Handles UltraToolbarsManager1.ToolClick Debug.WriteLine("The Tool with key '" + e.Tool.Key + "' has been clicked. It is of type: '" + e.Tool.GetType().ToString() + "'") ' クリックされたツールのプロパティ情報を表示します Debug.IndentLevel += 1 ' ツール オーナーのプロパティ If Not e.Tool.Owner Is Nothing Then If e.Tool.OwnerIsMenu = True Then Debug.WriteLine("The tool's owner is a menu and the menu's key is: '" + e.Tool.OwningMenu.Key + "'") ElseIf e.Tool.OwnerIsToolbar = True Then Debug.WriteLine("The tool's owner is a toolbar and the toolbar's key is: '" + e.Tool.OwningToolbar.Key + "'") ElseIf e.Tool.OwnerIsToolbarsManager = True Then Debug.WriteLine("The tool is owned by the toolbars manager and is therefore a root tool.") End If End If ' ToolBase.ParentCollection If Not e.Tool.ParentCollection Is Nothing Then Debug.WriteLine("The tool is in a collection that contains a total of " + e.Tool.ParentCollection.Count.ToString() + " entries") End If ' ToolBase.UIElement If Not e.Tool.UIElement Is Nothing Then Debug.WriteLine("The tool's associated UIElement is of type: '" + e.Tool.UIElement.GetType().ToString() + "'") Else Debug.WriteLine("The tool does NOT have an associated UIElement") End If ' ToolBase.UnderlyingTool If TypeOf e.Tool Is MdiMergePlaceholderTool Then Debug.WriteLine("The underlying tool type associated with this MDIMergePlaceholderTool is: '" + e.Tool.UnderlyingTool.GetType().ToString()) End If Debug.IndentLevel -= 1 End Sub
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property OwnerIsToolbar As Boolean
using System.Diagnostics; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars; private void ultraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("The Tool with key '" + e.Tool.Key + "' has been clicked. It is of type: '" + e.Tool.GetType().ToString() + "'"); // クリックされたツールのプロパティ情報を表示します Debug.IndentLevel++; // ツール オーナーのプロパティ if (e.Tool.Owner != null) { if (e.Tool.OwnerIsMenu == true) Debug.WriteLine("The tool's owner is a menu and the menu's key is: '" + e.Tool.OwningMenu.Key + "'"); else if (e.Tool.OwnerIsToolbar == true) Debug.WriteLine("The tool's owner is a toolbar and the toolbar's key is: '" + e.Tool.OwningToolbar.Key + "'"); else if (e.Tool.OwnerIsToolbarsManager == true) Debug.WriteLine("The tool is owned by the toolbars manager and is therefore a root tool."); } // ToolBase.ParentCollection if (e.Tool.ParentCollection != null) Debug.WriteLine("The tool is in a collection that contains a total of " + e.Tool.ParentCollection.Count.ToString() + " entries"); // ToolBase.UIElement if (e.Tool.UIElement != null) { Debug.WriteLine("The tool's associated UIElement is of type: '" + e.Tool.UIElement.GetType().ToString() + "'"); } else Debug.WriteLine("The tool does NOT have an associated UIElement"); // ToolBase.UnderlyingTool if (e.Tool is MdiMergePlaceholderTool) Debug.WriteLine("The underlying tool type associated with this MDIMergePlaceholderTool is: '" + e.Tool.UnderlyingTool.GetType().ToString()); Debug.IndentLevel--; }
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property OwnerIsToolbar As Boolean
ToolBase クラス
ToolBase メンバ
Owner プロパティ
OwnerIsApplicationMenuArea プロパティ
OwnerIsMenu プロパティ
OwnerIsNavigationToolbar プロパティ
OwnerIsRibbonGroup プロパティ
OwnerIsToolbarBase プロパティ
OwnerIsToolbarsManager プロパティ
OwnerIsNull プロパティ
OwningApplicationMenuArea プロパティ
OwningMenu プロパティ
OwningRibbonGroup プロパティ
OwningToolbar プロパティ
OwningToolbarBase プロパティ