バージョン 24.2 (最新)

UltraToolbar クラス

行に多数の ToolBase 派生ツールを含んでいるツールバーを表します。ツールバーはランタイムに移動およびカスタマイズすることも可能です。
public class UltraToolbar : UltraToolbarBase, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObject, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObjectEx, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner, Infragistics.Win.UIAutomation.IProvideUIAutomation  
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars

	Private Sub Button16_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button16.Click

		Debug.WriteLine("Properties of all currently defined toolbars ------------------------")

		Debug.IndentLevel += 1

		Dim toolbar As UltraToolbar
		For Each toolbar In Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars
			If toolbar Is Nothing Then
				GoTo NextToolbar
			End If

			Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "'")

			Debug.IndentLevel += 1

			' ツールバーの DockedColumn、DockedRow、DockedPosition、FloatingLocation、および
			' FloatingSize プロパティをアクセスします
			Select Case toolbar.DockedPosition
				Case DockedPosition.Floating
					Dim rectFloating As New Rectangle(toolbar.FloatingLocation, toolbar.FloatingSize)

					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is floating.  Its position and size are: " + rectFloating.ToString())

				Case DockedPosition.Top
				Case DockedPosition.Bottom
				Case DockedPosition.Left
				Case DockedPosition.Right
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is docked in position '" + toolbar.DockedPosition.ToString() + "'.  Its DockedRow is: " + toolbar.DockedRow.ToString() + ", and its DockedColumn is: " + toolbar.DockedColumn.ToString())
			End Select

			' ツールバーの Index プロパティにアクセスします
			Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' has an Index in its parent collection of: " + toolbar.Index.ToString())

			' ツールバーの IsMainMenuBar プロパティにアクセスします
			If toolbar.IsMainMenuBar = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is a main menu bar!")
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is NOT a main menu bar!")
			End If

			' ツールバーの IsStockToolbar プロパティにアクセスします
			If toolbar.IsStockToolbar = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is a stock toolbar!")
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is NOT a stock toolbar!")
			End If

			' ツールバーの ParentCollection プロパティにアクセスします
			If Not toolbar.ParentCollection Is Nothing Then
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is in a collection that contains a total of " + toolbar.ParentCollection.Count.ToString() + " entries")
			End If

			' ツールバーの ShowInToolbarList プロパティにアクセスします
			If toolbar.ShowInToolbarList = True Then
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' will appear in the toolbar list")
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' will NOT appear in the toolbar list!")
			End If

			Debug.IndentLevel -= 1


		Debug.IndentLevel -= 1

	End Sub
Public Class UltraToolbar 
   Inherits UltraToolbarBase
   Implements Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObject, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObjectEx, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner, Infragistics.Win.UIAutomation.IProvideUIAutomation 
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

		private void button16_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			Debug.WriteLine("Properties of all currently defined toolbars ------------------------");


			foreach(UltraToolbar toolbar in this.ultraToolbarsManager1.Toolbars)
				if (toolbar == null)

				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "'");

				Debug.IndentLevel ++;

				// ツールバーの DockedColumn、DockedRow、DockedPosition、FloatingLocation、および
				// FloatingSize プロパティにアクセスします
				switch (toolbar.DockedPosition)
					case DockedPosition.Floating:
						Rectangle rectFloating = new Rectangle(toolbar.FloatingLocation, toolbar.FloatingSize);

						Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is floating.  Its position and size are: " + rectFloating.ToString()); 

					case DockedPosition.Top:
					case DockedPosition.Bottom:
					case DockedPosition.Left:
					case DockedPosition.Right:
						Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is docked in position '" + toolbar.DockedPosition.ToString() + "'.  Its DockedRow is: " + toolbar.DockedRow.ToString() + ", and its DockedColumn is: " + toolbar.DockedColumn.ToString()); 

				// ツールバーの Index プロパティにアクセスします
				Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' has an Index in its parent collection of: " + toolbar.Index.ToString()); 

				// ツールバーの IsMainMenuBar プロパティにアクセスします
				if (toolbar.IsMainMenuBar == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is a main menu bar!"); 
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is NOT a main menu bar!"); 

				// ツールバーの IsStockToolbar プロパティにアクセスします
				if (toolbar.IsStockToolbar == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is a stock toolbar!"); 
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is NOT a stock toolbar!"); 

				// ツールバーの ParentCollection プロパティにアクセスします
				if (toolbar.ParentCollection != null)
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' is in a collection that contains a total of " + toolbar.ParentCollection.Count.ToString() + " entries"); 

				// ツールバーの ShowInToolbarList プロパティにアクセスします
				if (toolbar.ShowInToolbarList == true)
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' will appear in the toolbar list"); 
					Debug.WriteLine("Toolbar '" + toolbar.Key + "' will NOT appear in the toolbar list!"); 



Public Class UltraToolbar 
   Inherits UltraToolbarBase
   Implements Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObject, Infragistics.Shared.IKeyedSubObjectEx, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner, Infragistics.Win.UIAutomation.IProvideUIAutomation 