例外 | 解説 |
System.NotSupportedException | プロパティは、基本の Form または UserControl で定義された UltraToolbarsManager 内のツールに対して、デザインタイムに修正されます。継承されたツールは、作成された Form または UserControl のデザイナーを通して、ランタイムまたはデザインタイムに修正される必要があります。 |
同じカテゴリーのツールはランタイム [ユーザー設定] ダイアログでグループ化されます。
Imports System.Diagnostics Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars Private Sub UltraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs) Handles UltraToolbarsManager1.ToolClick Debug.WriteLine("The Tool with key '" + e.Tool.Key + "' has been clicked. It is of type: '" + e.Tool.GetType().ToString() + "'") ' クリックされたツールのプロパティ情報を表示します Debug.IndentLevel += 1 ' ツールの SharedProps オブジェクトのすべてのプロパティを表示します Debug.WriteLine("SharedProps properties ------------------------------------------") ' SharedProps.AllowMultipleInstances If e.Tool.SharedProps.AllowMultipleInstances = False Then Debug.WriteLine("Only one instance of this tool may be created!") End If Debug.WriteLine("Caption: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Caption) Debug.WriteLine("Tool has been assigned to category: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Category) Debug.WriteLine("The description that will be displayed for this tool in the runtime customizer is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.CustomizerCaption) Debug.WriteLine("DisplayStyle: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.DisplayStyle.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("The enabled status for this tool is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Enabled.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("MaxWidth: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.MaxWidth.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("MinWidth: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.MinWidth.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("The MergeOrder for this tool is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.MergeOrder.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("The MergeType for this tool is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.MergeType.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("The Priority for this tool when determining if it can be displayed on a toolbar with limited space is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Priority.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("The Shortcut key combination associated with this tool is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Shortcut.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("Spring: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Spring.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("Total # of instances of this tool: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.ToolInstances.Count.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("ToolTipText: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.ToolTipText.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("Visible: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Visible.ToString()) Debug.WriteLine("Width: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Width.ToString()) If e.Tool.SharedProps.ShowInCustomizer = False Then Debug.WriteLine("This tool will NOT be shown in the runtime customizer.") End If Debug.IndentLevel -= 1 End Sub
'宣言 Public Property Category As String
using System.Diagnostics; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars; private void ultraToolbarsManager1_ToolClick(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolClickEventArgs e) { Debug.WriteLine("The Tool with key '" + e.Tool.Key + "' has been clicked. It is of type: '" + e.Tool.GetType().ToString() + "'"); // クリックされたツールのプロパティ情報を表示します Debug.IndentLevel++; // ツールの SharedProps オブジェクトのすべてのプロパティを表示します Debug.WriteLine("SharedProps properties ------------------------------------------"); // SharedProps.AllowMultipleInstances if (e.Tool.SharedProps.AllowMultipleInstances == false) Debug.WriteLine("Only one instance of this tool may be created!"); Debug.WriteLine("Caption: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Caption); Debug.WriteLine("Tool has been assigned to category: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Category); Debug.WriteLine("The description that will be displayed for this tool in the runtime customizer is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.CustomizerCaption); Debug.WriteLine("DisplayStyle: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.DisplayStyle.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("The enabled status for this tool is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Enabled.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("MaxWidth: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.MaxWidth.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("MinWidth: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.MinWidth.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("The MergeOrder for this tool is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.MergeOrder.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("The MergeType for this tool is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.MergeType.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("The Priority for this tool when determining if it can be displayed on a toolbar with limited space is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Priority.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("The Shortcut key combination associated with this tool is: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Shortcut.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("Spring: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Spring.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("Total # of instances of this tool: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.ToolInstances.Count.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("ToolTipText: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.ToolTipText.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("Visible: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Visible.ToString()); Debug.WriteLine("Width: '" + e.Tool.SharedProps.Width.ToString()); if (e.Tool.SharedProps.ShowInCustomizer == false) Debug.WriteLine("This tool will NOT be shown in the runtime customizer."); Debug.IndentLevel--; }
'宣言 Public Property Category As String