バージョン 24.2 (最新)

InterTabSpacing プロパティ (MdiTabGroupSettings)

public Infragistics.Win.DefaultableInteger InterTabSpacing {get; set;}

InterTabSpacing はタブ項目間のスペースの量を決定します。負の値に設定すると、タブ項目同士が重なります。正の値に設定すると、指定した量のスペースがタブ項目の間に残ります。デフォルト値のままにすると、タブ間のスペースは、TabStyle などの他の設定に従ってさまざまに解決されます。たとえば、Excel スタイル タブのデフォルトの InterTabSpacing は -8 で、この場合は Microsoft Excel を使用したときと同じようにタブ項目同士が重なります。

注: InterTabSpacing が 0 未満の場合、すべてのタブ項目は InterTabSpacing の少なくとも絶対値でなければなりません。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi

Private Sub InitializeStateButtonTabGroup(ByVal tabGroup As MdiTabGroup)
    ' display the tabs as state buttons
    tabGroup.Settings.TabStyle = TabStyle.StateButtons

    ' display a separator bar between the state buttons
    tabGroup.Settings.ShowButtonSeparators = DefaultableBoolean.True

    ' leave 9 pixels of space between the state button tabs
    tabGroup.Settings.InterTabSpacing = New DefaultableInteger(9)

    ' use office xp style buttons for the close and scroll buttons
    tabGroup.Settings.ButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.OfficeXPToolbarButton

    ' use the xp style chevron arrow for the scroll buttons
    tabGroup.Settings.ScrollArrowStyle = ScrollArrowStyle.WindowsXP

    ' only show the scroll buttons when needed
    tabGroup.Settings.ScrollButtons = DefaultableTabScrollButtons.Automatic

    ' show the next/previous and next page/ previous page buttons
    ' and scroll track/thumb when scroll buttons are displayed
    tabGroup.Settings.ScrollButtonTypes = ScrollButtonTypes.NextPagePreviousPage Or _
        ScrollButtonTypes.NextPrevious Or ScrollButtonTypes.Thumb

    ' when the scroll track is displayed, it should be no less than 40 pixels
    tabGroup.Settings.ScrollTrackExtent = 40
End Sub
Public Property InterTabSpacing As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableInteger
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi;

private void InitializeStateButtonTabGroup( MdiTabGroup tabGroup )
	// display the tabs as state buttons
	tabGroup.Settings.TabStyle = TabStyle.StateButtons;

	// display a separator bar between the state buttons
	tabGroup.Settings.ShowButtonSeparators = DefaultableBoolean.True;

	// leave 9 pixels of space between the state button tabs
	tabGroup.Settings.InterTabSpacing = new DefaultableInteger(9);

	// use office xp style buttons for the close and scroll buttons
	tabGroup.Settings.ButtonStyle = UIElementButtonStyle.OfficeXPToolbarButton;

	// use the xp style chevron arrow for the scroll buttons
	tabGroup.Settings.ScrollArrowStyle = ScrollArrowStyle.WindowsXP;

	// only show the scroll buttons when needed
	tabGroup.Settings.ScrollButtons = DefaultableTabScrollButtons.Automatic;

	// show the next/previous and next page/ previous page buttons
	// and scroll track/thumb when scroll buttons are displayed
	tabGroup.Settings.ScrollButtonTypes = ScrollButtonTypes.NextPagePreviousPage | 
		ScrollButtonTypes.NextPrevious |

	// when the scroll track is displayed, it should be no less than 40 pixels
	tabGroup.Settings.ScrollTrackExtent = 40;
Public Property InterTabSpacing As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableInteger