バージョン 24.2 (最新)

Day プロパティ (Holiday)

public Day Day {get; set;}
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

    Private Sub SetupHoliday()

        '	Add a new holiday object to the component's Holidays collection,
        '	for the current date but as yet unnamed
        Dim holiday As Holiday = Me.ultraCalendarInfo1.Holidays.Add(DateTime.Today, String.Empty)

        '	Make sure we have the right starting date
        Debug.Assert((holiday.StartDate.Date = DateTime.Today.Date), "Error creating the holiday.")

        '	Set the name of the holiday to the long description of the
        '	day of the week it falls on
        holiday.Name = holiday.Day.DayOfWeek.LongDescriptionResolved

        '	Set the length of the holiday to one day
        holiday.NumberOfDays = 1

        '	Make the holiday selected, and verify that the setting was applied
        holiday.Selected = True
        Debug.Assert(holiday.IsSelected, "Unable to set the holiday's Selected property to true.")

        '	Hide the holiday if there are any appointments for the same day
        If (holiday.Day.Appointments.Count > 0) Then
            holiday.Visible = False
        End If

    End Sub
Public Property Day As Day
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void SetupHoliday()

			//	Add a new holiday object to the component's Holidays collection,
			//	for the current date but as yet unnamed
			Holiday holiday = this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Holidays.Add( DateTime.Today, string.Empty );

			//	Make sure we have the right starting date
			Debug.Assert( (holiday.StartDate.Date == DateTime.Today.Date), "Error creating the holiday." );

			//	Set the name of the holiday to the long description of the
			//	day of the week it falls on
			holiday.Name = holiday.Day.DayOfWeek.LongDescriptionResolved;

			//	Set the length of the holiday to one day
			holiday.NumberOfDays = 1;

			//	Make the holiday selected, and verify that the setting was applied
			holiday.Selected = true;
			Debug.Assert ( holiday.IsSelected, "Unable to set the holiday's Selected property to true." );

			//	Hide the holiday if there are any appointments for the same day
			if ( holiday.Day.Appointments.Count > 0 )
				holiday.Visible = false;

Public Property Day As Day