public UltraListViewDetailsSettings ViewSettingsDetails {get;}
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property ViewSettingsDetails As UltraListViewDetailsSettings
Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView ' Get a reference to the 'Customers', 'Employees', and ' 'Orders' tables from the Northwind database Dim dataSet As DataSet = New DataSet() Me.customersAdapter.Fill(dataSet) Me.employeesAdapter.Fill(dataSet) Me.ordersAdapter.Fill(dataSet) Me.shippersAdapter.Fill(dataSet) Dim customersTable As DataTable = dataSet.Tables("Customers") Dim employeesTable As DataTable = dataSet.Tables("Employees") Dim ordersTable As DataTable = dataSet.Tables("Orders") Dim shippersTable As DataTable = dataSet.Tables("Shippers") ' Set the UltraListView's View property to 'Details' Me.ultraListView1.View = UltraListViewStyle.Details ' Set the UltraListView's AutoKeyboardSearch property to true, ' so the end user can perform alpha-numeric searches Me.ultraListView1.AutoKeyboardSearch = True ' Allow extended selection for items Me.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Extended ' Enable HotTracking Me.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.HotTracking = true ' Show selected appearance colors when the control does not have focus Me.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.HideSelection = false ' Allow extended selection for items Me.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Extended ' Disable editing for the UltraListView. Me.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.AllowEdit = DefaultableBoolean.False ' Display checkboxes next to the items Me.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsDetails.CheckBoxStyle = CheckBoxStyle.CheckBox Me.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsList.CheckBoxStyle = CheckBoxStyle.CheckBox ' Adjust the ImageSize property so that images are not displayed ' for the list styles Me.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageSize = Size.Empty Me.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsList.ImageSize = Size.Empty ' Set the FullRowSelect property to true for Details view Me.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsDetails.FullRowSelect = True ' Clear the Items, Groups, and SubItemColumns collections Me.ultraListView1.Items.Clear() Me.ultraListView1.Groups.Clear() Me.ultraListView1.SubItemColumns.Clear() ' Populate the Groups collection from the 'Customers' table Dim dataRow As DataRow For Each dataRow In customersTable.Rows ' Add an UltraListViewGroup to represent this customer, using ' the value of the 'CustomerID' field for the group's Key. Dim group As UltraListViewGroup = Me.ultraListView1.Groups.Add(CType(dataRow("CustomerID"), String)) ' Assign the value of the 'CompanyName' field to the group's Text property. group.Text = CType(dataRow("CompanyName"), String) Next ' Set ShowGroups to true so that groups are shown Me.ultraListView1.ShowGroups = True ' Create a ValueList, which we will populate with the contents of ' the 'Employees' table. Use the value of the 'EmployeeID' field ' for the DataValue, and the employee's name for the DisplayText. ' Also, store a reference to the underlying DataRow in the ' ValueListItem's Tag property. Dim employeesValueList As ValueList = New ValueList() For Each dataRow In employeesTable.Rows Dim employeeName As String = String.Format("{0} {1}", dataRow("FirstName"), dataRow("LastName")) Dim valueListItem As ValueListItem = employeesValueList.ValueListItems.Add(dataRow("EmployeeID"), employeeName) valueListItem.Tag = dataRow Next ' Create a ValueList, which we will populate with the contents of ' the 'Shippers' table. Use the value of the 'ShipperID' field ' for the DataValue, and the shipper's name for the DisplayText. ' Also, store a reference to the underlying DataRow in the ' ValueListItem's Tag property. Dim shippersValueList As ValueList = New ValueList() For Each dataRow In shippersTable.Rows Dim shipperName As String = CType(dataRow("CompanyName"), String) Dim shipperID As Int32 = CType(dataRow("ShipperID"), Int32) Dim valueListItem As ValueListItem = shippersValueList.ValueListItems.Add(shipperID, shipperName) valueListItem.Tag = dataRow ' Create an Appearance for this shipper, and add it to the ' UltraListView's Appearances collection. Dim appearance As Infragistics.Win.Appearance = Me.ultraListView1.Appearances.Add(shipperName) Select Case shipperID Case 1 appearance.ForeColor = Color.Red Case 2 appearance.ForeColor = Color.Green Case 3 appearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue End Select Next ' Populate the SubItemColumns collection from the Columns in the 'Orders' table Me.PopulateSubItemColumnsCollection(ordersTable, employeesValueList, shippersValueList) ' Populate the Items collection from the Rows in the 'Orders' table Me.PopulateItemsCollection(ordersTable)
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property ViewSettingsDetails As UltraListViewDetailsSettings
using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView; using System.Diagnostics; // Get a reference to the 'Customers', 'Employees', and // 'Orders' tables from the Northwind database DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); this.customersAdapter.Fill( dataSet ); this.employeesAdapter.Fill( dataSet ); this.ordersAdapter.Fill( dataSet ); this.shippersAdapter.Fill( dataSet ); DataTable customersTable = dataSet.Tables["Customers"]; DataTable employeesTable = dataSet.Tables["Employees"]; DataTable ordersTable = dataSet.Tables["Orders"]; DataTable shippersTable = dataSet.Tables["Shippers"]; // Set the UltraListView's View property to 'Details' this.ultraListView1.View = UltraListViewStyle.Details; // Allow extended selection for items this.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.SelectionType = SelectionType.Extended; // Enable HotTracking this.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.HotTracking = true; // Show selected appearance colors when the control does not have focus this.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.HideSelection = false; // Set the UltraListView's AutoKeyboardSearch property to true, // so the end user can perform alpha-numeric searches this.ultraListView1.AutoKeyboardSearch = true; // Disable editing for the UltraListView. this.ultraListView1.ItemSettings.AllowEdit = DefaultableBoolean.False; // Display checkboxes next to the items this.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsDetails.CheckBoxStyle = CheckBoxStyle.CheckBox; this.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsList.CheckBoxStyle = CheckBoxStyle.CheckBox; // Adjust the ImageSize property so that images are not displayed // for the list styles this.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageSize = Size.Empty; this.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsList.ImageSize = Size.Empty; // Set the FullRowSelect property to true for Details view this.ultraListView1.ViewSettingsDetails.FullRowSelect = true; // Clear the Items, Groups, and SubItemColumns collections this.ultraListView1.Items.Clear(); this.ultraListView1.Groups.Clear(); this.ultraListView1.SubItemColumns.Clear(); // Populate the Groups collection from the 'Customers' table foreach( DataRow dataRow in customersTable.Rows ) { // Add an UltraListViewGroup to represent this customer, using // the value of the 'CustomerID' field for the group's Key. UltraListViewGroup group = this.ultraListView1.Groups.Add( dataRow["CustomerID"] as string ); // Assign the value of the 'CompanyName' field to the group's Text property. group.Text = dataRow["CompanyName"] as string; } // Set ShowGroups to true so that groups are shown this.ultraListView1.ShowGroups = true; // Create a ValueList, which we will populate with the contents of // the 'Employees' table. Use the value of the 'EmployeeID' field // for the DataValue, and the employee's name for the DisplayText. // Also, store a reference to the underlying DataRow in the // ValueListItem's Tag property. ValueList employeesValueList = new ValueList(); foreach( DataRow dataRow in employeesTable.Rows ) { string employeeName = string.Format( "{0} {1}", dataRow["FirstName"], dataRow["LastName"] ); ValueListItem valueListItem = employeesValueList.ValueListItems.Add( dataRow["EmployeeID"], employeeName ); valueListItem.Tag = dataRow; } // Create a ValueList, which we will populate with the contents of // the 'Shippers' table. Use the value of the 'ShipperID' field // for the DataValue, and the shipper's name for the DisplayText. // Also, store a reference to the underlying DataRow in the // ValueListItem's Tag property. ValueList shippersValueList = new ValueList(); foreach( DataRow dataRow in shippersTable.Rows ) { string shipperName = dataRow["CompanyName"] as string; int shipperID = (int)dataRow["ShipperID"]; ValueListItem valueListItem = shippersValueList.ValueListItems.Add( shipperID, shipperName ); valueListItem.Tag = dataRow; // Create an Appearance for this shipper, and add it to the // UltraListView's Appearances collection. Infragistics.Win.Appearance appearance = this.ultraListView1.Appearances.Add( shipperName ); switch ( shipperID ) { case 1: { appearance.ForeColor = Color.Red; break; } case 2: { appearance.ForeColor = Color.Green; break; } case 3: { appearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue; break; } } } // Populate the SubItemColumns collection from the Columns in the 'Orders' table this.PopulateSubItemColumnsCollection( ordersTable, employeesValueList, shippersValueList ); // Populate the Items collection from the Rows in the 'Orders' table this.PopulateItemsCollection( ordersTable );
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property ViewSettingsDetails As UltraListViewDetailsSettings