バージョン 24.2 (最新)

UIElement プロパティ (UltraListView)

public UltraListViewUIElement UIElement {get;}
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView

    Private Function ColumnFromPoint(ByVal listView As UltraListView, ByVal point As Point) As UltraListViewColumnBase

        If listView Is Nothing Or listView.UIElement Is Nothing Then Return Nothing

        '	If there is an UltraListViewSubItem at the specified point,
        '	return a reference to its Column property
        Dim subItem As UltraListViewSubItem = listView.SubItemFromPoint(point)
        If Not subItem Is Nothing Then Return subItem.Column

        '	Try to find an UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement if we do,
        '	return a reference to its Column property
        Dim elementAtPoint As UIElement = listView.UIElement.ElementFromPoint(point)

        Dim headerElement As UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement = Nothing
        While (Not elementAtPoint Is Nothing)

            If elementAtPoint.GetType() Is GetType(UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement) Then
                headerElement = CType(elementAtPoint, UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement)
                Return headerElement.Column
            End If

            elementAtPoint = elementAtPoint.Parent
        End While

        Return Nothing

    End Function
Public ReadOnly Property UIElement As UltraListViewUIElement
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView;
using System.Diagnostics;

		private UltraListViewColumnBase ColumnFromPoint( UltraListView listView, Point point )
			if ( listView == null || listView.UIElement == null )
				return null;

			//	If there is an UltraListViewSubItem at the specified point,
			//	return a reference to its Column property
			UltraListViewSubItem subItem = listView.SubItemFromPoint( point );
			if ( subItem != null )
				return subItem.Column;

			//	Try to find an UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement; if we do,
			//	return a reference to its Column property
			UIElement elementAtPoint = listView.UIElement.ElementFromPoint( point );

			UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement headerElement = null;
			while ( elementAtPoint != null )
				headerElement = elementAtPoint as UltraListViewColumnHeaderUIElement;
				if ( headerElement != null )
					return headerElement.Column;

				elementAtPoint = elementAtPoint.Parent;

			return null;

Public ReadOnly Property UIElement As UltraListViewUIElement