public UltraListViewMainColumn MainColumn {get;}
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property MainColumn As UltraListViewMainColumn
Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView Private Sub PopulateSubItemColumnsCollection(ByVal ordersTable As DataTable, ByVal employeesValueList As ValueList, ByVal shippersValueList As ValueList) Dim dataRow As DataRow ' Use the UltraListView's MainColumn to represent the 'OrderID' column ' of the 'Orders' table. Dim mainDataColumn As DataColumn = ordersTable.Columns("OrderID") Me.ultraListView1.MainColumn.Text = mainDataColumn.Caption Me.ultraListView1.MainColumn.DataType = mainDataColumn.DataType ' Populate the SubItemColumns collection from the Columns collection of the ' 'Orders' table Dim dataColumn As DataColumn For Each dataColumn In ordersTable.Columns If dataColumn Is mainDataColumn Then GoTo skip ' Add an UltraListViewSubItemColumn to the UltraListView's SubItemColumns collection, ' using the DataColumn's ColumnName for the Key. Dim subItemColumn As UltraListViewSubItemColumn = Me.ultraListView1.SubItemColumns.Add(dataColumn.ColumnName) ' Set the UltraListViewSubItemColumn's Text property to the DataColumn's Caption. subItemColumn.Text = dataColumn.Caption ' Set the UltraListViewSubItemColumn's DataType property to the DataColumn's DataType. subItemColumn.DataType = dataColumn.DataType ' Hide the columns that the end user does not need to see. If subItemColumn.Key = "CustomerID" Or _ subItemColumn.Key = "ShipName" Or _ subItemColumn.Key = "ShipAddress" Or _ subItemColumn.Key = "ShipCity" Or _ subItemColumn.Key = "ShipRegion" Or _ subItemColumn.Key = "ShipPostalCode" Or _ subItemColumn.Key = "ShipCountry" Then subItemColumn.VisibleInDetailsView = DefaultableBoolean.False subItemColumn.VisibleInTilesView = DefaultableBoolean.False End If ' Assign the employees ValueList to the 'EmployeeID' column. If subItemColumn.Key = "EmployeeID" Then subItemColumn.ValueList = employeesValueList ' Assign the shippers ValueList to the 'ShipVia' column. If subItemColumn.Key = "ShipVia" Then subItemColumn.ValueList = shippersValueList ' Allow the UltraListViewSubItemColumn to be moved subItemColumn.AllowMoving = DefaultableBoolean.True ' Allow the UltraListViewSubItemColumn to be resized subItemColumn.AllowSizing = DefaultableBoolean.True ' Allow the UltraListViewSubItemColumn to be sorted subItemColumn.AllowSorting = DefaultableBoolean.True ' Set the FormatProvider to null so that the current culture is used. subItemColumn.FormatProvider = Nothing ' Set some UltraListViewSubItemColumn properties based the data type If subItemColumn.DataType Is GetType(System.DateTime) Then ' Use the current culture's ShortDatePattern to format dates subItemColumn.Format = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern ' Customize the NullText for this data type. subItemColumn.NullText = "(No Date Set)" ElseIf subItemColumn.DataType Is GetType(System.Decimal) Then ' Since the currency values are expressed in US dollars, assign ' a currency format that is appropriate for that currency system, ' and assign 'English - United States' to the FormatProvider property. subItemColumn.Format = "$#,###,###.00" subItemColumn.FormatProvider = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US") ' Customize the NullText for this data type. subItemColumn.NullText = "(No Amount Set)" ' Right-align the text for this column subItemColumn.SubItemAppearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Right ' Use the SubItemAppearance's ForeColor property to customize the ' color of text for this column. subItemColumn.SubItemAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Green End If ' Assign a reference to the DataColumn to the UltraListViewSubItemColumn's ' Tag property. subItemColumn.Tag = dataColumn skip: Next End Sub
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property MainColumn As UltraListViewMainColumn
using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView; using System.Diagnostics; private void PopulateSubItemColumnsCollection( DataTable ordersTable, ValueList employeesValueList, ValueList shippersValueList ) { // Use the UltraListView's MainColumn to represent the 'OrderID' column // of the 'Orders' table. DataColumn mainDataColumn = ordersTable.Columns["OrderID"]; this.ultraListView1.MainColumn.Text = mainDataColumn.Caption; this.ultraListView1.MainColumn.DataType = mainDataColumn.DataType; // Populate the SubItemColumns collection from the Columns collection of the // 'Orders' table foreach( DataColumn dataColumn in ordersTable.Columns ) { if ( dataColumn == mainDataColumn ) continue; // Add an UltraListViewSubItemColumn to the UltraListView's SubItemColumns collection, // using the DataColumn's ColumnName for the Key. UltraListViewSubItemColumn subItemColumn = this.ultraListView1.SubItemColumns.Add( dataColumn.ColumnName ); // Set the UltraListViewSubItemColumn's Text property to the DataColumn's Caption. subItemColumn.Text = dataColumn.Caption; // Set the UltraListViewSubItemColumn's DataType property to the DataColumn's DataType. subItemColumn.DataType = dataColumn.DataType; // Hide the columns that the end user does not need to see. if ( subItemColumn.Key == "CustomerID" || subItemColumn.Key == "ShipName" || subItemColumn.Key == "ShipAddress" || subItemColumn.Key == "ShipCity" || subItemColumn.Key == "ShipRegion" || subItemColumn.Key == "ShipPostalCode" || subItemColumn.Key == "ShipCountry" ) { subItemColumn.VisibleInDetailsView = DefaultableBoolean.False; subItemColumn.VisibleInTilesView = DefaultableBoolean.False; } // Assign the employees ValueList to the 'EmployeeID' column. if ( subItemColumn.Key == "EmployeeID" ) subItemColumn.ValueList = employeesValueList; // Assign the shippers ValueList to the 'ShipVia' column. if ( subItemColumn.Key == "ShipVia" ) subItemColumn.ValueList = shippersValueList; // Allow the UltraListViewSubItemColumn to be moved subItemColumn.AllowMoving = DefaultableBoolean.True; // Allow the UltraListViewSubItemColumn to be resized subItemColumn.AllowSizing = DefaultableBoolean.True; // Allow the UltraListViewSubItemColumn to be sorted subItemColumn.AllowSorting = DefaultableBoolean.True; // Set the FormatProvider to null so that the current culture is used. subItemColumn.FormatProvider = null; // Set some UltraListViewSubItemColumn properties based the data type if ( subItemColumn.DataType == typeof(System.DateTime) ) { // Use the current culture's ShortDatePattern to format dates subItemColumn.Format = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern; // Customize the NullText for this data type. subItemColumn.NullText = "(No Date Set)"; } else if ( subItemColumn.DataType == typeof(System.Decimal) ) { // Since the currency values are expressed in US dollars, assign // a currency format that is appropriate for that currency system, // and assign 'English - United States' to the FormatProvider property. subItemColumn.Format = "$#,###,###.00"; subItemColumn.FormatProvider = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); // Customize the NullText for this data type. subItemColumn.NullText = "(No Amount Set)"; // Right-align the text for this column subItemColumn.SubItemAppearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Right; // Use the SubItemAppearance's ForeColor property to customize the // color of text for this column. subItemColumn.SubItemAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Green; } // Assign a reference to the DataColumn to the UltraListViewSubItemColumn's // Tag property. subItemColumn.Tag = dataColumn; } }
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property MainColumn As UltraListViewMainColumn