public UltraListViewItemsCollection Items {get;}
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property Items As UltraListViewItemsCollection
Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView Private Sub PopulateItemsCollection(ByVal ordersTable As DataTable) Dim dataRow As DataRow Dim dataColumn As DataColumn ' Populate the Items collection from the Rows collection of the 'Orders' table. For Each dataRow In ordersTable.Rows ' Add an UltraListViewItem for this order, using the value of the ' 'OrderID' field for the item's Value Dim orderItem As UltraListViewItem = Me.ultraListView1.Items.Add(Nothing, dataRow("OrderID")) ' Set the values for the UltraListViewItem's SubItems. Note that we ' can use an UltraListViewSubItemColumn instance to index into the ' SubItemColumns collection, and use the stored reference to the underlying ' DataColumn to index into the DataRow's columns. Dim subItemColumn As UltraListViewSubItemColumn For Each subItemColumn In Me.ultraListView1.SubItemColumns DataColumn = CType(subItemColumn.Tag, DataColumn) Dim subItem As UltraListViewSubItem = orderItem.SubItems(subItemColumn) subItem.Value = dataRow(DataColumn) ' Assign the Appearance we created for this shipper to the ' UltraListViewSubItem's Appearance. If subItem.Key = "ShipVia" Then subItem.Appearance = Me.ultraListView1.Appearances(subItem.Text) Next ' Assign the UltraListViewGroup which represents this order's customer ' to the item's Group property. Dim customerID As String = CType(dataRow("CustomerID"), String) orderItem.Group = Me.ultraListView1.Groups(customerID) Next End Sub
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property Items As UltraListViewItemsCollection
using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView; using System.Diagnostics; private void PopulateItemsCollection( DataTable ordersTable ) { // Populate the Items collection from the Rows collection of the 'Orders' table. foreach( DataRow dataRow in ordersTable.Rows ) { // Add an UltraListViewItem for this order, using the value of the // 'OrderID' field for the item's Value UltraListViewItem orderItem = this.ultraListView1.Items.Add( null, dataRow["OrderID"] ); // Set the values for the UltraListViewItem's SubItems. Note that we // can use an UltraListViewSubItemColumn instance to index into the // SubItemColumns collection, and use the stored reference to the underlying // DataColumn to index into the DataRow's columns. foreach( UltraListViewSubItemColumn subItemColumn in this.ultraListView1.SubItemColumns ) { DataColumn dataColumn = subItemColumn.Tag as DataColumn; UltraListViewSubItem subItem = orderItem.SubItems[subItemColumn]; subItem.Value = dataRow[dataColumn]; // Assign the Appearance we created for this shipper to the // UltraListViewSubItem's Appearance. if ( subItem.Key == "ShipVia" ) subItem.Appearance = this.ultraListView1.Appearances[subItem.Text]; } // Assign the UltraListViewGroup which represents this order's customer // to the item's Group property. string customerID = dataRow["CustomerID"] as string; orderItem.Group = this.ultraListView1.Groups[customerID]; } }
'宣言 Public ReadOnly Property Items As UltraListViewItemsCollection