バージョン 24.2 (最新)

AcceptsFocus プロパティ

クリックまたはタブ操作したときに UltraExplorerBar がフォーカスを受け取るかどうかを取得または設定します。
public Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean AcceptsFocus {get; set;}

0 – Default に設定すると、コントロール スタイルが '1 – Listbar'、'2 – Toolbox'、および '3 – OutlookNavigationPane' の場合は False に解決されます。コントロールスタイルが"0 – Explorer Bar"および"4 - VisualStudio2005Toolbox"の場合は True に解決されます。

フォーカスを受け取るかどうかについては、コントロールの TabStop プロパティも関係します。TabStop プロパティを False に設定するとコントロールにタブ移動できなくなるため、キーボードによってコントロールにフォーカスを与えることはできません。

TabStop プロパティが True に設定されている場合、またはコントロールがクリックされた場合は、AcceptsFocus プロパティによって、UltraExplorerBar にフォーカスが与えられるかどうかが決定されます。

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar

	Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click

		' Set the AcceptsFocus property to 'Default', then test AcceptsFocusResolved below for each
		' of the control styles.  
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocus = DefaultableBoolean.Default

		' When we set the control style to ExplorerBar, AcceptsFocusResolved will return true.
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.ExplorerBar
		Debug.WriteLine("AcceptsFocusResolved = " + Me.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocusResolved.ToString())

		' When we set the control style to Listbar, AcceptsFocusResolved will return false.
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.Listbar
		Debug.WriteLine("AcceptsFocusResolved = " + Me.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocusResolved.ToString())

		' When we set the control style to Toolbox, AcceptsFocusResolved will return false.
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.Toolbox
		Debug.WriteLine("AcceptsFocusResolved = " + Me.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocusResolved.ToString())

		' Of course, we can explicitly set the AcceptsFocus property to either true or false for
		' any control style to override the default.
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocus = DefaultableBoolean.True

		' When we set the control style to Listbar, AcceptsFocusResolved now returns true
		Me.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.Listbar
		Debug.WriteLine("AcceptsFocusResolved = " + Me.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocusResolved.ToString())

	End Sub
Public Property AcceptsFocus As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar;

		private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			// Set the AcceptsFocus property to 'Default', then test AcceptsFocusResolved below for each
			// of the control styles.  
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocus = DefaultableBoolean.Default;

			// When we set the control style to ExplorerBar, AcceptsFocusResolved will return true.
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.ExplorerBar;
			Debug.WriteLine("AcceptsFocusResolved = " + this.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocusResolved.ToString());

			// When we set the control style to Listbar, AcceptsFocusResolved will return false.
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.Listbar;
			Debug.WriteLine("AcceptsFocusResolved = " + this.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocusResolved.ToString());

			// When we set the control style to Toolbox, AcceptsFocusResolved will return false.
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.Toolbox;
			Debug.WriteLine("AcceptsFocusResolved = " + this.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocusResolved.ToString());

			// Of course, we can explicitly set the AcceptsFocus property to either true or false for
			// any control style to override the default.
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocus = DefaultableBoolean.True;

			// When we set the control style to Listbar, AcceptsFocusResolved now returns true;
			this.ultraExplorerBar1.Style = UltraExplorerBarStyle.Listbar;
			Debug.WriteLine("AcceptsFocusResolved = " + this.ultraExplorerBar1.AcceptsFocusResolved.ToString());
Public Property AcceptsFocus As Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean