カレンダー情報を描画するかどうかを決定します。カレンダー情報メモ セクションは、ページに含まれる日付範囲の Note オブジェクトを含む追加セクションです。
注: これは Daily、Weekly、および Monthly 印刷スタイルにのみ適用されます。これらのスタイルを Trifold 印刷スタイルで使用するとき、対応するセクションに無地のメモ領域は含まれません。
Imports Infragistics.Shared Imports Infragistics.Win Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule 'print one or more years using an ultramonthviewmulti Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.Yearly 'by default, the caption of the date header will determine whether 'to render a single date or a range of dates. in the case of the yearly 'print style, a range would be something like 'January 2004-December 2004'. 'the date header caption style may be changed to always display the primary 'or range of dates. in this case, we only want the year to be displayed 'so the property is set to Primary Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.DateHeaderCaptionStyle = DateHeaderCaptionStyle.Primary 'the "calendarinfo" notes area is a specialized notes area that will print 'the Note objects (see UltraCalendarInfo.Notes) associated with the date 'range being printed in the page Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.IncludeCalendarInfoNotesArea = True 'there are several appearance for controlling the look of the notes areas... 'the header appearance affects solely the header area - the area with the 'caption "Notes" whereas the NotesAreaAppearance is the appearance for the 'entire notes area including the borders and background area containing the 'notes header Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.NotesAreaHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.Black Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.NotesAreaHeaderAppearance.ForeColor = Color.White Me.UltraSchedulePrintDocument1.NotesAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray
'宣言 Public Property IncludeCalendarInfoNotesArea As Boolean
using Infragistics.Shared; using Infragistics.Win; using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule; //print one or more years using an ultramonthviewmulti this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.PrintStyle = SchedulePrintStyle.Yearly; //by default, the caption of the date header will determine whether //to render a single date or a range of dates. in the case of the yearly //print style, a range would be something like 'January 2004-December 2004//. //the date header caption style may be changed to always display the primary //or range of dates. in this case, we only want the year to be displayed //so the property is set to Primary this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.DateHeaderCaptionStyle = DateHeaderCaptionStyle.Primary; //the "calendarinfo" notes area is a specialized notes area that will print //the Note objects (see UltraCalendarInfo.Notes) associated with the date //range being printed in the page this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.IncludeCalendarInfoNotesArea = true; //there are several appearance for controlling the look of the notes areas... //the header appearance affects solely the header area - the area with the //caption "Notes" whereas the NotesAreaAppearance is the appearance for the //entire notes area including the borders and background area containing the //notes header this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.NotesAreaHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.Black; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.NotesAreaHeaderAppearance.ForeColor = Color.White; this.ultraSchedulePrintDocument1.NotesAreaAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightGray;
'宣言 Public Property IncludeCalendarInfoNotesArea As Boolean