バージョン 22.2

UIElement プロパティ (UltraMonthViewMulti)

コントロールのクライアント領域を領有する UIElement を返します。
public UltraMonthViewMultiUIElement UIElement {get;}
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim info As String = "The descendant elements of the control's main UIElement are: " + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
        Me.EnumerateChildElements(Me.ultraMonthViewMulti1.UIElement, info)

        '	Output the UIElement hierarchy to the debugger

    End Sub

    Private Sub EnumerateChildElements(ByVal element As UIElement, ByRef info As String)

        '	UIElement
        '	Enumerates the specified UIElement's child elements to display
        '	the element hierarchy

        '   Get the level of the UIElement, so we know how much to indent
        Dim level As Integer = Me.GetElementLevel(element)

        '   Append tab characters, the number of which is
        '   proportional to the element's level in the hierarchy
        Dim tabChar As String = String.Empty
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To level
            tabChar += Chr(9)

        '	Increment the level for the next iteration, if any
        level += 1

        '	Iterate the specified element's ChildElements collection,
        Dim child As UIElement
        For Each child In element.ChildElements
            '	Output each child element's type name
            info += tabChar + child.ToString() + vbCrLf

            '	Call this function recursively to get each child's children, etc.
            Me.EnumerateChildElements(child, info)

    End Sub

    '   Returns the "generation" of the specified UIElement; that is, the
    '   number of ancestor UIElements it has
    Private Function GetElementLevel(ByVal element As UIElement)

        Dim level As Integer
        Dim parentElement As UIElement = element.Parent

        '   Increment 'level' until we hit a null parent
        While Not parentElement Is Nothing
            level += 1
            parentElement = parentElement.Parent
        End While

        Return level

    End Function
Public ReadOnly Property UIElement As UltraMonthViewMultiUIElement
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.MonthViewMulti;

		private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			string info = "The descendant elements of the control's main UIElement are: " + "\n" + "\n";
			this.EnumerateChildElements( this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.UIElement, ref info );

			//	Output the UIElement hierarchy to the debugger
			System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( info );

		private void EnumerateChildElements( UIElement element, ref string info )

			//	UIElement
			//	Enumerates the specified UIElement's child elements to display
			//	the element hierarchy

	        //   Get the level of the UIElement, so we know how much to indent
			int level = this.GetElementLevel( element );

			//   Append tab characters, the number of which is
			//   proportional to the element's level in the hierarchy
			string tabChar = string.Empty;
			for ( int i = 0; i <= level; i ++ )
				tabChar += ((char)(9)).ToString();

			//	Increment the level for the next iteration, if any

			//	Iterate the specified element's ChildElements collection,
			foreach( UIElement child in element.ChildElements )
				//	Output each child element's type name
				info += tabChar + child.ToString() + "\n";

				//	Call this function recursively to get each child's children, etc.
				this.EnumerateChildElements( child, ref info );



		//   Returns the "generation" of the specified UIElement; that is, the
		//   number of ancestor UIElements it has
		private int GetElementLevel( UIElement element )

			int level = 0;
			UIElement parentElement = element.Parent;

	        //   Increment 'level' until we hit a null parent
			while ( parentElement != null )
				level ++;
				parentElement = parentElement.Parent;

			return level;

Public ReadOnly Property UIElement As UltraMonthViewMultiUIElement