バージョン 22.1

ButtonSettings プロパティ

プロバイダーが表示するメニュー ボタンに関連付けられた設定のグループを提供します。
public FilterUIProviderButtonSettings ButtonSettings {get;}

注: フィルタープロバイダーが表示されている間に、これらの設定のいずれかを変更しても効果はありません。これらのプロパティは、次にプロバイダーが表示されるまで維持されます。

Imports Infragistics.Win 
Imports Infragistics.Win.SupportDialogs.FilterUIProvider

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) 
    ' Disable OS themes so that we have more control over the appearance of the buttons 
    Me.ultraGridFilterUIProvider1.UseOsThemes = DefaultableBoolean.False 
    ' Set the OK button to green and the Cancel button to red 
    Dim buttonSettings As FilterUIProviderButtonSettings = Me.ultraGridFilterUIProvider1.ButtonSettings 
    buttonSettings.OkAppearance.BackColor = Color.Green 
    buttonSettings.CancelAppearance.BackColor = Color.Red 
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property ButtonSettings As FilterUIProviderButtonSettings
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.SupportDialogs.FilterUIProvider;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Disable OS themes so that we have more control over the appearance of the buttons
    this.ultraGridFilterUIProvider1.UseOsThemes = DefaultableBoolean.False;

    // Set the OK button to green and the Cancel button to red
    FilterUIProviderButtonSettings buttonSettings = this.ultraGridFilterUIProvider1.ButtonSettings;
    buttonSettings.OkAppearance.BackColor = Color.Green;
    buttonSettings.CancelAppearance.BackColor = Color.Red;                       
Public ReadOnly Property ButtonSettings As FilterUIProviderButtonSettings