バージョン 21.2

UltraTabStripControl クラス

Infragistics の UltraTabStripControl。
public class UltraTabStripControl : UltraTabControlBase, Infragistics.Win.AppStyling.ISupportAppStyling, Infragistics.Win.IImageListProvider, Infragistics.Win.IUltraControl, Infragistics.Win.IUltraControlElement, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner, Infragistics.Win.Touch.ISupportTouchMetrics, Infragistics.Win.UIAutomation.IProvideUIAutomation  

UltraTabControl および UltraTabStripControl コントロールは機能が非常によく似ているため、どちらも UltraTabControlBase の抽象基本クラスから派生します。

主な違いは、UltraTabControl ではタブごとに個別に UltraTabPageControl が作成される点です。これにより、各タブに異なる子コントロールのセットを容易に含めることができます。これは、Microsoft によって提供されている TabControl の機能と同じです。

それに対して UltraTabStripControl は、UltraTabControlBase.SharedControlsPage をすべてのタブの TabPage として再利用する軽量なコントロールです。

注: UltraTabStripControl は、DataSourceDataMemberTabKeyMemberTabTextMemberToolTipTextMemberSortMemberおよび SortDirection の各プロパティを介してデータソースに容易にバインドできます。

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl

Private Sub InitializeTabStripControl()

    With Me.ultraTabStripControl1
        ' Set the image background to conform and align with the
        ' form's BackgroundImage 
        .TabHeaderAreaAppearance.ImageBackground = Me.BackgroundImage
        .TabHeaderAreaAppearance.ImageBackgroundOrigin = ImageBackgroundOrigin.Form

        ' Enable hot tracking (tabs hightlight as the mouse passes over them)
        .HotTrack = True

        ' Set the layout style of the tabs to a multi-row style
        .TabLayoutStyle = TabLayoutStyle.MultiRowTabsPerRow

        ' Set the MultiRowSelectionStyle to highlight the selected tab
        .MultiRowSelectionStyle = MultiRowSelectionStyle.HighlightTab

        ' Set the # of tabs per row
        .TabsPerRow = 4

        ' Set the max # of visible rows to show
        .MaxVisibleTabRows = 5

        ' Set the spacing between tabs of the same row and between
        ' tab rows
        .InterTabSpacing = New DefaultableInteger(3)
        .InterRowSpacing = New DefaultableInteger(5)

        ' Note: the following code sets the spacing back to there 
        ' default values
        '.InterTabSpacing = DefaultableInteger.Default
        '.InterRowSpacing = DefaultableInteger.Default

        ' Set the margins around the tab page. 
        .TabPageMargins.Top = 2
        .TabPageMargins.Left = 2
        .TabPageMargins.Right = 2
        .TabPageMargins.Bottom = 2

        ' Set the TabKeyMember. This will automatically initialize
        ' each tab's Key property to the data value in that column.
        .TabKeyMember = "CustomerID"

        ' Set the TabTextMember. This will automatically initialize
        ' each tab's Text property to the data value in that column.
        .TabTextMember = "CustomerName"

        ' Set the ToolTipTextMember. This will automatically initialize
        ' each tab's ToolTipText property to the data value in that column.
        .ToolTipTextMember = "Address"

        ' Set the SortMember. This will automatically sort the tabs
        ' based on the data values in that column.
        .SortMember = "CustomerName"

        ' Set the direction of the sort.
        .SortDirection = SortDirection.Descending

        ' Create an in-memory data source

        ' Bind the tab strip to the data source
        ' Note: This clears the Tabs collection and re-populates it
        ' with a tab for every row in the data source.
        .SetDataBinding(Me.dataSource, "")
        ' Note: Calling SetDataBinding is the same as setting the 
        '       DataSource and DataMember properties individually
        '       but it does it in one atomic operation.
        '.DataSource = Me.dataSource
        '.DataMember = '

    End With

    ' Set the data bindings for some textboxes 
    'Me.txtCustomerID.DataBindings.Add("Text", Me.dataSource, "CustomerID")
    'Me.txtCustomerName.DataBindings.Add("Text", Me.dataSource, "CustomerName")

End Sub
Public Class UltraTabStripControl 
   Inherits UltraTabControlBase
   Implements Infragistics.Win.AppStyling.ISupportAppStyling, Infragistics.Win.IImageListProvider, Infragistics.Win.IUltraControl, Infragistics.Win.IUltraControlElement, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner, Infragistics.Win.Touch.ISupportTouchMetrics, Infragistics.Win.UIAutomation.IProvideUIAutomation 
using System.Diagnostics;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl;

private void InitializeTabStripControl()
	// Set the image background to conform and align with the
	// form's BackgroundImage 
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabHeaderAreaAppearance.ImageBackground = this.BackgroundImage;
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabHeaderAreaAppearance.ImageBackgroundOrigin = ImageBackgroundOrigin.Form;

	// Enable hot tracking (tabs hightlight as the mouse passes over them)
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.HotTrack = true;

      // Set the layout style of the tabs to a multi-row style
      this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabLayoutStyle = TabLayoutStyle.MultiRowTabsPerRow;

      // Set the MultiRowSelectionStyle to highlight the selected tab
      this.ultraTabStripControl1.MultiRowSelectionStyle = MultiRowSelectionStyle.HighlightTab;

      // Set the # of tabs per row
      this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabsPerRow = 4;

	// Set the max # of visible rows to show
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.MaxVisibleTabRows = 4;

	// Set the spacing between tabs of the same row and between
	// tab rows
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.InterTabSpacing = 3;
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.InterRowSpacing = 5;

	// Note: The following code does the same
	//this.ultraTabStripControl1.InterTabSpacing = new DefaultableInteger( 3 );
	//this.ultraTabStripControl1.InterRowSpacing = new DefaultableInteger( 5 );
	// Note: the following code sets the spacing back to there 
	// default values
	//this.ultraTabStripControl1.InterTabSpacing = DefaultableInteger.Default;
	//this.ultraTabStripControl1.InterRowSpacing = DefaultableInteger.Default;
	// Set the margins around the tab page. 
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabPageMargins.Top = 2;
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabPageMargins.Left = 2;
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabPageMargins.Right = 2;
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabPageMargins.Bottom = 2;

	// Set the TabKeyMember. This will automatically initialize
	// each tab's Key property to the data value in that column.
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabKeyMember = "CustomerID";

	// Set the TabTextMember. This will automatically initialize
	// each tab's Text property to the data value in that column.
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.TabTextMember = "CustomerName";

	// Set the ToolTipTextMember. This will automatically initialize
	// each tab's ToolTipText property to the data value in that column.
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.ToolTipTextMember = "Address";

	// Set the SortMember. This will automatically sort the tabs
	// based on the data values in that column.
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.SortMember = "CustomerName";

	// Set the direction of the sort.
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.SortDirection = SortDirection.Descending;

	// Create an in-memory data source

	// Bind the tab strip to the data source
	// Note: This clears the Tabs collection and re-populates it
	// with a tab for every row in the data source.
	this.ultraTabStripControl1.SetDataBinding( this.dataSource, "" );
	// Note: Calling SetDataBinding is the same as setting the 
	//       DataSource and DataMember properties individually
	//       but it does it in one atomic operation.
	//this.ultraTabStripControl1.DataSource = this.dataSource;
	//this.ultraTabStripControl1.DataMember = "";

	// Set the data bindings for some textboxes 
	//this.txtCustomerID.DataBindings.Add("Text", this.dataSource, "CustomerID");
	//this.txtCustomerName.DataBindings.Add("Text", this.dataSource, "CustomerName");

Public Class UltraTabStripControl 
   Inherits UltraTabControlBase
   Implements Infragistics.Win.AppStyling.ISupportAppStyling, Infragistics.Win.IImageListProvider, Infragistics.Win.IUltraControl, Infragistics.Win.IUltraControlElement, Infragistics.Win.Notifications.INotificationBadgeSettingsOwner, Infragistics.Win.Touch.ISupportTouchMetrics, Infragistics.Win.UIAutomation.IProvideUIAutomation 