Whitepapers and eBooks

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Latest Whitepapers and eBooks Offered by Infragistics

Guide: Building Blazor Hybrid Apps 101

Blazor Hybrid Apps 101 - A Comprehensive Guide

Blazor developers seek robust ways for crafting apps with the scalability and performance they need. That’s why we gathered our experts’ know-how into this whitepaper, providing practical insights, best practices, and a technical guide for everyone who wants to get started with Blazor Hybrid.

Infragistics Blazor Grid

Building the Perfect Blazor Grid

In this whitepaper you will gain the knowledge you need to get the most out of the Infragistics Blazor Data Grid and build data rich web apps. We will walk you through the advantages to using this component as well as highlighting the key features you need to deliver your next Blazor app

Angular Essentials

Angular Essentials

This RefCard will review Angular essentials and cover pivotal concepts behind this ever-growing application platform. From Angular’s basic architecture to property and event binding, this RefCard highlights the foundational and advanced topics needed for successful app development in Angular.

Blazor RefCard

Blazor Essentials

This essential guide will help you better understand how Blazor, Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly work. With examples, code snippets, and use cases, it covers different topics and how-to sections like Blazor hosting models, data binding, event handling, components and features of Blazor and more. 

Survey Report

Top Software Development Challenges for 2023

Keeping pace with innovation in developer tools, managing workload, security threats, and project management are other major pain points for 2023. The survey also revealed that software developers continue to struggle with communication and collaboration tools in the new digital environment. 

A Quick Guide to Design Systems

A Quick Guide to Design Systems

With our Design Systems RefCard, you’ll be given an in-depth overview on design systems to perceive them as something more than a deliberate inventory of reusable UX patterns and brand style guidelines.

Reveal Survey Report - Top Software Development Challenges for 2022

Challenges and Preferences of Developers and Designers in 2023

Low-code platforms accelerate product development cycles by enabling development teams to use WYSIWYG tools with drag & drop interfaces to rapidly build and deploy applications.

Reveal Survey Report - Top Software Development Challenges for 2022

Survey Report: Top Software Development Challenges for 2022

To find out what obstacles faced developers in 2021 and reveal their future challenges, we surveyed 2,015 software developers and IT professionals to determine their biggest pain points, challenges, and areas for growth.

Trends in Embedded Analytics

Are You Stuck in a Design Silo?

Sketch and other digital design tools have transformed application design in big ways. But their success also highlights their limitations — they leave you in a silo. Find out how you can seamlessly integrate digital designs into a complete design-to-code platform with real UI components that accelerates app building by up to 10x.

Trends in Embedded Analytics

Going Beyond Low Code in 2022

Low-code tools are quickly gaining in popularity. But most of these tools lack a focus on UX, which is critical to the customer experience. This paper looks at how new tools like App Builder™ offer a WYSIWYG experience for designers or developers to create designs or screen layouts that can be viewed instantly as production-ready code.

4 Reasons for a Digital Product Design Platform

4 Reasons for a Digital Product Design Platform

What limits the speed and effectiveness of digital product teams? Gartner has noted the need for "a tool to cover everything from screen design to code generation." Find out how a digital product design platform overcomes four key issues, accelerates app delivery and helps reduce development backlogs.

Trends in Embedded Analytics

Survey Report 2021: Trends in Software Development and Analytics

While the picture in 2020 was mixed, many tech firms thrived during COVID-19 as digital transformation accelerated. The report also found that businesses adopted analytics at a faster pace, including machine learning and embedded analytics. Find out the motivations, top use cases, and plans for 2021.

Dashboard Best Practices Whitepaper

Dashboard Best Practices

Tell your data story with eye-catching visualizations. Learn which charts best communicate your message, how to combine colors, and how features of modern data analytics programs let you build intuitive, concise, and powerful dashboards.

Data-Driven Culture Whitepaper

Creating a Data-driven Culture

The role of data and analytics is changing from being a standalone discipline to one that is helping to drive digital transformation. Find out why a data driven culture matters and the 7 building blocks to creating one.

Design, Usability and the Impact on Complex Systems

Design, Usability and the Impact on Complex Systems

Historically, "usability" refers to post-design measurement and testing. Following existing software development methods, it is entirely possible to create a system that is neither useful nor intuitive but meets usability guidelines. A design process is needed to ensure a product that is both useful, usable and innovative.

UI Toolkit Standardization

Benefits of Standard UI Toolkit

Research shows that using a standard UI toolkit pays for itself quickly by reducing project development and testing time by 33%. Read this whitepaper to see the research behind these numbers and learn about the other benefits including the creation of consistent, beautiful user experiences, lower training costs, and lower security vulnerabilities.

Calculate Your ROI with a Standard UI Toolkit

Find Your Investment Return With Our ROI Calculator

Use our ROI Calculator to determine how quickly you'll recover your investment in a standard UI toolkit. With pre-built controls and hundreds of tested features, you'll see greater consistency while lowering testing, maintenance and training costs. Depending on location, most companies see a return on their investment in just 10 to 25 days.

Data Storytelling

Data Storytelling

Storytelling is powerful. Combine it with data and you see trends, opportunities, and issues in new ways. Learn how Gartner's new data storytelling model and easy-to-use self-service BI software provide exciting ways to stimulate innovative business thinking.

7 Points to Consider when Choosing an Embedded Analytics Vendor

Consult Our Buyer's Guide

Before you commit to an embedded analytics vendor, know the issues that will define success. Our Buyer's Guide looks at 7 of the most important.

Take your app to the next level with embedded analytics

Embedding Analytics in Your App? Learn the Best Option.

For small, fast projects, building your own analytics may make sense. But to enhance your app with beautiful visualizations that run native across all platforms and that will be professionally maintained for years, think buy.

Making Technology Personal Again

Making Technology Personal...Again

Successfully and consistently bridging the gap between people and technology requires a systematic process of design that evolves our relationship with technology and makes us partners with it, rather than simply users of it. Implementing such a process is what separates successful, innovative companies from the rest.

Racing, the Human Challenge and Making Data Useful

Racing, the Human Challenge and Making Data Useful

There is a lot of data out there. There is also a lot of discussion about how it holds the key to business growth and large scale innovation. The key, of course, is being able to take actions based on it.

How User Experience Fits in Agile

How User Experience Fits in Agile

It is relatively easy to understand how user experience activities fit into the traditional development process, but many people have difficulty understanding how they would fit into an agile development process.

Designing Usable and Useful EHR Systems

Designing Usable and Useful EHR Systems

Developed and honed over generations, the medical profession has created processes, procedures and physical artifacts that serve healthcare professionals and their patients well through the use of electronic health record (EHR) systems.

Ensuring Innovation

Ensuring Innovation

No one hopes to achieve mediocrity. No one dreams about incremental improvement. Yet governments, corporations and individuals spend enormous amounts of time and money seemingly to strive toward these ignoble goals. With very few exceptions, what we get is something that is marginally better (or marginally worse) than we had. Large leaps forward require innovation.

Activity Theory & Hierarchical Task Analysis

Activity Theory & Hierarchical Task Analysis

UX design is about understanding behavior and designing UI solutions to support it. Most UX professionals would agree that the analysis phase of a UX design project is crucial for the quality of the design. That's where Activity Theory and Hierarchical Task Analysis come in.

Best Techniques for Storytelling with Data

Best Techniques for Storytelling With Data

Business data is growing exponentially – and so is the number of choices a user has when it comes to visualization solutions. Download this white paper for a beginner’s guide to understanding the influence good data visualizations can have on your audience.

Business Value of UX

The Business Value of UX

Once considered a luxury or an added expense, good user experience is the key to growth and innovation, and product differentiation. In this white paper, we explore the impact that good UX has on your enterprise, including increased sales, reduced development costs, and greater customer loyalty.

ROI of UI toolkit-standardization

Enterprise UX Enablement

With worldwide spending on software forecasted to be $409 billion US by 2018, a lot is at stake as you set out on your next software project. The key factor to success in these endeavors: User Experience. Download this white paper today and let us help you focus on UX to stay competitive in a growing IT-driven market.

Role of wireframes

The Role of Wireframes in Today’s UI Design

UI sketches have long been an essential part of the design process. By presenting initial ideas to key stakeholders and end users, you eliminate the need for time consuming revisions and become more efficient. But as technology has developed, so have these sketching tools. Learn More in this white paper.

ROI of UI toolkit-standardization

The ROI of UI Toolkit Standardization

The most profitable products are designed, tested, and implemented on a standardized single robust set of UI patterns and controls to create the ideal user experience across the board. See how standards-driven user experience can increase your productivity, your market share, and your profits in this white paper.

Free Angular Essentials eBook

Angular Essentials

From the initial structuring to deployment, Angular Essentials provides step-by-step guidance to Angular, Google’s framework for building applications for both web and mobile platforms.

Embedded Analytics: Buy or Build?

Embedded Analytics: Buy or Build?

For app development houses whose tools collect data that could be useful for the end user to make decisions with, there is little excuse not to use embedded analytics and visualizations. However, is it better to build the data analytics machine yourself or buy a bolt-on solution from a third party?

The WPF RoadMap

The WPF Roadmap: 2015 and Beyond

When Microsoft introduced Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) in 2006, it represented a real step forward in application design and development. Unfortunately, the lack of active development efforts in recent years have left many wondering what the future holds. Here we take a closer look at the WPF roadmap, including areas of investment Microsoft is prioritizing, as well as the tooling improvements for upcoming releases of Visual Studio.

Desktop To Web Fact Sheet

Desktop-to-Web Migration Fact Sheet

The most profitable products are designed, tested, and implemented on a standardized single robust set of UI patterns and controls to create the ideal user experience across the board. See how standards-driven user experience can increase your productivity, your market share, and your profits in this white paper.

Desktop To Web

Desktop to Web Application Migration

The demand for applications that perform on a wide variety of devices is one of the compelling business drivers forcing enterprises to migrate applications from the desktop to the Web. But this transformation requires careful, comprehensive planning. Download your free white paper today to identify common pitfalls and ensure the success of every step of your next digital transformation project.