Embedded Analytics Can be Powerful for Apps - But Should You Buy or Build Them?

Casey McGuigan / Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Embedded Analytics Can be Powerful for Apps

Executive summary

Embedded analytics lets you integrate custom-branded data visualizations directly into your apps, offering self-service analysis and insights. Buying an embedded analytics solution from a vendor offers speed and reliability, while building it yourself gives you greater control—and the full burden of development and execution. So, should you buy or build?

To help you decide, this whitepaper considers various situations that might indicate one or the other. Is it a small, fast project, for example, or do you require total control? This might suggest that you build your data analytics. But if you want your team to stay focused on your core product, and you need the fastest time to market, buying a pre-built business intelligence solution makes sense.

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About the author

Casey McGuigan

Casey has a BA in mathematics and an MBA, bringing a data analytics and business perspective to Infragistics. Casey is the Product Manager for the Reveal Embedded analytics product and was instrumental in product development, market analysis and the product's go-to-market strategy. She’s been at Infragistics since 2013 and when she’s not in the office, she enjoys playing soccer and attending concerts.