
ShowLeadingAndTrailingDates プロパティ

Public Property ShowLeadingAndTrailingDates As Boolean
public bool ShowLeadingAndTrailingDates {get; set;}

先頭日と後続日はグループで表示されますが、そのグループは特定のグループには属していません。例えば、デフォルトの日曜日の開始日を持つ 2008 年 8 月を表示するグレゴリオ暦を表示するときに、カレンダーが 7 月 27 日から 7 月 31 日までの先頭日および 9 月 1 日 から 9 月 6 日 までの後続日を表示できます。デフォルトで先頭日と後続日はコントロールの最初および最後の CalendarItemGroup で表示されます。

注: XamMonthCalendar のデフォルト テンプレートは、最初および最後の CalendarItemGroup インスタンスの ShowTrailingDates および ShowLeadingDates 値がこのプロパティに基づいて初期化されることを確認する CalendarItemGroupPanel を使用します。直接的に CalendarItemGroup インスタンスを含むためにコントロールを再テンプレートする場合、このプロパティを使用するグループを制御する必要があります。

Imports Infragistics.Windows.Editors
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Controls

    Private Sub InitializeCalendar(ByVal calendar As XamMonthCalendar)
        ' by default the template of the xammonthcalendar uses a calendaritemgrouppanel
        ' which will automatically create groups as needed based on the available size
        ' to use a fixed size, you can set AutoAdjustCalendarDimensions to false and 
        ' set the CalendarDimensions to the dimensions you want it to always use
        calendar.AutoAdjustCalendarDimensions = False
        calendar.CalendarDimensions = New CalendarDimensions(2, 2)

        ' DisabledDaysOfWeek is a flagged enumeration of the days of the week
        ' that should be disabled and therefore disallow activation and selection
        calendar.DisabledDaysOfWeek = DayOfWeekFlags.Saturday Or DayOfWeekFlags.Sunday

        ' the default selection type allows for selection of multiple dates
        calendar.SelectionType = SelectionType.Single

        ' the min/max dates control the range of dates that are available
        ' for activation/selection. any dates outside this range will not
        ' be shown
        calendar.MinDate = New DateTime(2008, 1, 1)
        calendar.MaxDate = New DateTime(2099, 12, 31)

        ' by default week numbers are not displayed
        calendar.WeekNumberVisibility = Visibility.Visible

        ' the today button that is used to select the current date
        ' can be removed using the TodayButtonVisibility
        calendar.TodayButtonVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed

        ' by default leading and trailing dates (e.g. days before
        ' and after the first/last visible month) are displayed
        ' within the control
        calendar.ShowLeadingAndTrailingDates = False
    End Sub
using Infragistics.Windows.Editors;
using Infragistics.Windows.Controls;

        private void InitializeCalendar(XamMonthCalendar calendar)
            // by default the template of the xammonthcalendar uses a calendaritemgrouppanel
            // which will automatically create groups as needed based on the available size
            // to use a fixed size, you can set AutoAdjustCalendarDimensions to false and 
            // set the CalendarDimensions to the dimensions you want it to always use
            calendar.AutoAdjustCalendarDimensions = false;
            calendar.CalendarDimensions = new CalendarDimensions(2, 2);

            // DisabledDaysOfWeek is a flagged enumeration of the days of the week
            // that should be disabled and therefore disallow activation and selection
            calendar.DisabledDaysOfWeek = DayOfWeekFlags.Saturday | DayOfWeekFlags.Sunday;

            // the default selection type allows for selection of multiple dates
            calendar.SelectionType = SelectionType.Single;

            // the min/max dates control the range of dates that are available
            // for activation/selection. any dates outside this range will not
            // be shown
            calendar.MinDate = new DateTime(2008, 1, 1);
            calendar.MaxDate = new DateTime(2099, 12, 31);

            // by default week numbers are not displayed
            calendar.WeekNumberVisibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // the today button that is used to select the current date
            // can be removed using the TodayButtonVisibility
            calendar.TodayButtonVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // by default leading and trailing dates (e.g. days before
            // and after the first/last visible month) are displayed
            // within the control
            calendar.ShowLeadingAndTrailingDates = false;
<UserControl x:Class="Xaml.UserControl1"
DisabledDaysOfWeek="Saturday, Sunday"
ShowLeadingAndTrailingDates="False" />