In the following example, the ItemPathRenderBrush and ItemPathRenderPen are used to identify where the path that the items will be arranged along has been positioned.
<LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="1,0.5" StartPoint="0,0.5">
<GradientStop Color="#FFC1A6A6" Offset="0"/>
<GradientStop Color="#FFAD3131" Offset="0.683"/>
<Pen Brush="Black" DashStyle="{x:Static DashStyles.DashDot}" Thickness="1" />
<Path Data="M400,0 C900,600 -300,600 200,0" />
<Ellipse Width="50" Height="50" Stroke="Black" Fill="Red" />
<Ellipse Width="100" Height="50" Stroke="Black" Fill="Green" />
<Polygon Points="0, 25, 25, 0, 75, 0, 100, 25, 75, 50, 25, 50" Stroke="Black" Fill="Yellow" />
<Rectangle Width="100" Height="50" Stroke="Black" Fill="Purple" />
<Polyline Points="0, 25, 25, 0, 50, 25, 25, 50, 0, 25" Stroke="SlateGray" StrokeThickness="2" Fill="Blue"/>
<Path Stroke="Black" Fill="Gray" Data="M 10,10 C 10,100 100,-100 100,10" />