' set GroupByAreaMode to 'MultipleFieldLayoutsCompact' so that all
' fields will be displayed horizontally in a single list
' Note: the default value is 'MultipleFieldLayoutsFull' which will
' display the FieldLayouts hierarchically.
Me.xamDataGrid1.GroupByAreaMode = GroupByAreaMode.MultipleFieldLayoutsCompact
Dim grpByAreaMulti As GroupByAreaMulti = Me.xamDataGrid1.GroupByAreaMulti
' specify the pen used for connecting fields in the GroupByAreaMulti
grpByAreaMulti.ConnectorLinePen = New Pen(Brushes.Red, 2)
' set an optional offset between fields in the GroupByAreaMulti
grpByAreaMulti.FieldOffsetX = 10
grpByAreaMulti.FieldOffsetY = 10
' set an optional offset between fieldlayouts in the GroupByAreaMulti
' (e.g. with hierachical and/or heterogenuous data)
grpByAreaMulti.FieldLayoutOffsetX = 15
grpByAreaMulti.FieldLayoutOffsetY = 5
' You can optionally set the 2 prompts displayed in the GroupByAreaMulti
grpByAreaMulti.Prompt1 = "*** Groupby Area ***"
grpByAreaMulti.Prompt2 = "Drag a field here to group by that field."
' Specify an optional custom template for the FieldLayout description
' Note": The FieldLayout description is only visible when there
' are fields from multiple FieldLayouts present.
Dim template As Object = Me.TryFindResource("MyCustomTemplate")
If TypeOf template Is DataTemplate Then
grpByAreaMulti.FieldLayoutDescriptionTemplate = CType(template, DataTemplate)
End If