
FieldDisplayOrderComparer プロパティ

Public Property FieldDisplayOrderComparer As IComparer(Of FieldItem)
public IComparer<FieldItem> FieldDisplayOrderComparer {get; set;}

フィールドをカスタムな順序で表示するために、フィールドを表示する順序を決定する FieldChooser の比較子を指定できます。

Imports Infragistics.Windows
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Controls
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Editors
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events

    Private Sub Dp_FieldChooserOpening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FieldChooserOpeningEventArgs)
        Dim fieldChooser As FieldChooser = e.FieldChooser

        ' You can use the FieldDisplayOrderComparer property to display fields
        ' in a custom order instead of the default alphabetical order. Set
        ' it to an object that implements IComparer<Field> and has the custom
        ' comparison logic that conveys the order of fields.
        fieldChooser.FieldDisplayOrderComparer = New CustomFieldOrderComparer()
    End Sub

    Private Class CustomFieldOrderComparer
        Implements IComparer(Of FieldItem)

        Private Function Compare(ByVal x As FieldItem, ByVal y As FieldItem) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of FieldItem).Compare

            ' Create a list of fields in the order in which you want to display
            ' them in the field chooser.
            Dim fieldsInOrder() As String = _
            { _
                 "ID", _
                 "Product_Name", _
                 "Price", _
                 "Quantity", _
                 "Total", _
                 "Discount", _
                 "Net_Total" _

            ' Then use the indexes into the list for comparison. This effectively
            ' will cause the field chooser to display the fields in the same 
            ' order as in the list above.
            Dim xIndex As Integer = Array.IndexOf(fieldsInOrder, x.Name)
            Dim yIndex As Integer = Array.IndexOf(fieldsInOrder, y.Name)

            Return xIndex.CompareTo(yIndex)

        End Function
    End Class
using Infragistics.Windows;
using Infragistics.Windows.Controls;
using Infragistics.Windows.Editors;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events;

		private void dp_FieldChooserOpening( object sender, FieldChooserOpeningEventArgs e )
			FieldChooser fieldChooser = e.FieldChooser;

			// You can use the FieldDisplayOrderComparer property to display fields
			// in a custom order instead of the default alphabetical order. Set
			// it to an object that implements IComparer<Field> and has the custom
			// comparison logic that conveys the order of fields.
			fieldChooser.FieldDisplayOrderComparer = new CustomFieldOrderComparer( );

		private class CustomFieldOrderComparer : IComparer<FieldItem>
			public int Compare( FieldItem x, FieldItem y )
				// Create a list of fields in the order in which you want to display
				// them in the field chooser.
				string[] fieldsInOrder = new string[]

				// Then use the indexes into the list for comparison. This effectively
				// will cause the field chooser to display the fields in the same 
				// order as in the list above.
				int xIndex = Array.IndexOf( fieldsInOrder, x.Name );
				int yIndex = Array.IndexOf( fieldsInOrder, y.Name );

				return xIndex.CompareTo( yIndex );