
DisplayChars プロパティ (XamMaskedEditor)

Public ReadOnly Property DisplayChars As DisplayCharsCollection
public DisplayCharsCollection DisplayChars {get;}

表示文字のコレクションを返します。マスクを解析すると、結果は各セクションがパート マスクに対応するセクションのコレクションになります。各セクションは順々に DisplayCharBase 派生オブジェクトのコレクションを持ち、それぞれはセクションに関連付けられたマスクの一部のプレースホルダ文字に対応します。DisplayChars は、すべてのセクションからの集合表示文字インスタンスを返します。

これと Sections プロパティの将来的な使用の詳細は、Sections を参照してください。

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)

        Me.maskedEditor1.Mask = "###-aaa"
        Me.maskedEditor1.Value = "123-XYZ"

        Dim sections As SectionsCollection = Me.maskedEditor1.Sections

        ' The follwing will print out sections. Sections are based on the 
        ' mask. The mask we set above has two edit sections and one 
        ' literal section.
        Debug.WriteLine("Sections: ")
        Debug.WriteLine("Sections(0) = " & sections(0).GetType().Name)
        Debug.WriteLine("Sections(1) = " & sections(1).GetType().Name)
        Debug.WriteLine("Sections(2) = " & sections(2).GetType().Name)

        ' Like sections, display characters are also based on mask.
        ' The following will print out all the display characters.
        ' It will print out the type of each display character and the
        ' character value associated with the display character (which
        ' comes from the Value that we set above).
        Debug.WriteLine("DisplayChars: ")
        Dim displayChars As DisplayCharsCollection = Me.maskedEditor1.DisplayChars
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To displayChars.Count - 1
            Dim dc As DisplayCharBase = displayChars(i)
            Debug.WriteLine("DisplayChars(" & i & ") = " & dc.GetType().Name & " '" & dc.Char & "'")
    End Sub
public void button1_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
	this.maskedEditor1.StartEditMode( );

	this.maskedEditor1.Mask = "###-aaa";
	this.maskedEditor1.Value = "123-XYZ";

	SectionsCollection sections = this.maskedEditor1.Sections;

	// The follwing will print out sections. Sections are based on the 
	// mask. The mask we set above has two edit sections and one 
	// literal section.
	Debug.WriteLine( "Sections: " );
	Debug.WriteLine( "Sections[0] = " + sections[0].GetType( ).Name );
	Debug.WriteLine( "Sections[1] = " + sections[1].GetType( ).Name );
	Debug.WriteLine( "Sections[2] = " + sections[2].GetType( ).Name );

	// Like sections, display characters are also based on mask.
	// The following will print out all the display characters.
	// It will print out the type of each display character and the
	// character value associated with the display character (which
	// comes from the Value that we set above).
	Debug.WriteLine( "DisplayChars: " );
	DisplayCharsCollection displayChars = this.maskedEditor1.DisplayChars;
	for ( int i = 0; i < displayChars.Count; i++ )
		DisplayCharBase dc = displayChars[i];
		Debug.WriteLine( "DisplayChars[" + i + "] = " + dc.GetType( ).Name + " '" + dc.Char + "'" );