XamCarouselPanel がリストの始めの周囲をラップし、最後の項目が表示された後に最初のリスト項目を表示する場合は True を返します。デフォルトは False です。
In this example, the IsListContinuous is set to true so that when you attempt to scroll such that you would go beyond the beginning or end of the list that you would see the last or first items again respectively.
ItemPathRenderBrush="#77000000" />
<Ellipse Width="50" Height="50" Stroke="Black" Fill="Red" />
<Ellipse Width="100" Height="50" Stroke="Black" Fill="Green" />
<Polygon Points="0, 25, 25, 0, 75, 0, 100, 25, 75, 50, 25, 50" Stroke="Black" Fill="Yellow" />
<Rectangle Width="100" Height="50" Stroke="Black" Fill="Purple" />
<Polyline Points="0, 25, 25, 0, 50, 25, 25, 50, 0, 25" Stroke="SlateGray" StrokeThickness="2" Fill="Blue"/>
<Path Stroke="Black" Fill="Gray" Data="M 10,10 C 10,100 100,-100 100,10" />