
Value プロパティ (ComparisonCondition)

Public Property Value As Object
public object Value {get; set;}

Value プロパティは、演算子の右側の値を指定します。Operator プロパティは、値に一致する条件を評価する時に使用される演算子を指定します。左側の値は、(IsMatch メソッドへ渡される) 条件が一致するかどうかが確認された値です。

Value は、SpecialFilterOperandBase 派生クラスのインスタンスに設定することもできます。静的プロパティとして SpecialFilterOperands クラスによって公開されたビルトインの特別な演算子が複数あります。詳細は SpecialFilterOperands を参照してください。

Imports Infragistics.Windows
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Controls
Imports Infragistics.Windows.Editors
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter

    Private Sub Window1_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
        Dim fieldLayout As FieldLayout = _dp.FieldLayouts(0)

        ' Create a new RecordFilter for 'Country' field.
        Dim filter As RecordFilter = New RecordFilter()
        filter.FieldName = "Country"
        filter.Conditions.Add(New ComparisonCondition(ComparisonOperator.Equals, "US"))

        ' Add the RecordFilter to field layout's RecordFilters collection.

        ' If you have hierarchical data source then you can also filter child records.
        ' Create a RecordFilter that filters the child records.
        filter = New RecordFilter()
        filter.FieldName = "Product"
        filter.Conditions.Add(New ComparisonCondition(ComparisonOperator.Equals, "A"))

        ' Now add the filter. For child field layouts, each individual parent
        ' record's child records can be filtered independently. That is one parent
        ' record's child records can have different filter criteria from another
        ' parent record's child records. This is the default mode of filtering. You
        ' can change it by setting RecordFilterScope property to AllRecords in which
        ' case all child records in the child field layout are affected by the
        ' filter. However depending on the mode, the place where you specify the
        ' filter criteria is different. For the default SiblingDataRecords mode, you
        ' need to specify the filter criteria on RecordFilters property of the child
        ' RecordManager of a parent record. For the AllRecords mode, use the child
        ' FieldLayout's RecordFilters property. Note that the root field layout
        ' doesn't support SiblingDataRecords mode since it doesn't have multiple
        ' record collections and therefore for the root field layout, always use the
        ' field layout's RecordFilters property.
        Dim childDataRecordsManager As RecordManager = _dp.RecordManager.Unsorted(0).ChildRecords(0).ChildRecordManager
        Dim childFieldLayout As FieldLayout = _dp.FieldLayouts(1)
        childFieldLayout.Settings.RecordFilterScope = RecordFilterScope.AllRecords
        If RecordFilterScope.AllRecords = childFieldLayout.Settings.RecordFilterScope Then
            ' When using AllRecords mode, use the field layout's RecordFilters.
            ' When using SiblingDataRecords, use the child RecordManager's RecordFilters.
        End If

    End Sub
using Infragistics.Windows;
using Infragistics.Windows.Controls;
using Infragistics.Windows.Editors;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;

		public void Window1_Loaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
			FieldLayout fieldLayout = _dp.FieldLayouts[0];

			// Create a new RecordFilter for 'Country' field.
			RecordFilter filter = new RecordFilter( );
			filter.FieldName = "Country";
			filter.Conditions.Add( new ComparisonCondition( ComparisonOperator.Equals, "US" ) );

			// Add the RecordFilter to field layout's RecordFilters collection.
			fieldLayout.RecordFilters.Add( filter );

			// If you have hierarchical data source then you can also filter child records.
			// Create a RecordFilter that filters the child records.
			filter = new RecordFilter( );
			filter.FieldName = "Product";
			filter.Conditions.Add( new ComparisonCondition( ComparisonOperator.Equals, "A" ) );

			// Now add the filter. For child field layouts, each individual parent
			// record's child records can be filtered independently. That is one parent
			// record's child records can have different filter criteria from another
			// parent record's child records. This is the default mode of filtering. You
			// can change it by setting RecordFilterScope property to AllRecords in which
			// case all child records in the child field layout are affected by the
			// filter. However depending on the mode, the place where you specify the
			// filter criteria is different. For the default SiblingDataRecords mode, you
			// need to specify the filter criteria on RecordFilters property of the child
			// RecordManager of a parent record. For the AllRecords mode, use the child
			// FieldLayout's RecordFilters property. Note that the root field layout
			// doesn't support SiblingDataRecords mode since it doesn't have multiple
			// record collections and therefore for the root field layout, always use the
			// field layout's RecordFilters property.
			RecordManager childDataRecordsManager = _dp.RecordManager.Unsorted[0].ChildRecords[0].ChildRecordManager; 
			FieldLayout childFieldLayout = _dp.FieldLayouts[1];
			childFieldLayout.Settings.RecordFilterScope = RecordFilterScope.AllRecords;
			if ( RecordFilterScope.AllRecords == childFieldLayout.Settings.RecordFilterScope )
				// When using AllRecords mode, use the field layout's RecordFilters.
				childFieldLayout.RecordFilters.Add( filter );
				// When using SiblingDataRecords, use the child RecordManager's RecordFilters.
				childDataRecordsManager.RecordFilters.Add( filter );
        <igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="_dp" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" >

<!--Set filter on root field layout-->
<igDP:FieldLayout IsDefault="true">
<igDP:Field Name="ID" />
<igDP:Field Name="Country" />
<!--Set filter where records with Country=US will be displayed-->
<igDP:RecordFilter FieldName="Country">
<igWindows:ComparisonCondition Operator="Equals" Value="US" />

<!--Set filter on a child field layout. Only applicable if you have hierarchical data source.-->
<igDP:Field Name="ID" />
<igDP:Field Name="Product" />

<!--For child field layouts, you need to set the RecordFilterScope to AllRecords in order to
                    specify filters on the FieldLayout's RecordFilters.
<igDP:FieldLayoutSettings RecordFilterScope="AllRecords" />

<!--Set filter where records with Product that starts with 'A' will be displayed.-->
<igDP:RecordFilter FieldName="Product">
<igWindows:ComparisonCondition Operator="StartsWith" Value="A" />
