
SectionLogicalPagePartNumber プロパティ (Report)

印刷される現在のページの論理ページ部分番号 (読み取り専用)。
Public ReadOnly Property SectionLogicalPagePartNumber As Integer
public int SectionLogicalPagePartNumber {get;}


印刷される現在のページの論理ページ部分番号を表す 1 から始まる整数。

注: 論理ページが複数ページに十分な幅がなく、Infragistics.Windows.Reporting.ReportSettings.HorizontalPaginationMode プロパティが「Scale」に設定される場合、このプロパティは 1 を返します。

'Define an Event Handler 
    Public Sub WritePage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PrintProgressEventArgs)
        Me.Label1.Content = reportObj.SectionLogicalPagePartNumber.ToString()
    End Sub

Private  Sub ShowSectionLogicalPagePartNumber()
    ' 1. Create Report object
    Dim reportObj As Report =  New Report() 
    ' 2. Create EmbeddedVisualReportSection section. 
    ' Put the grid you want to print as a parameter of section's constructor
    Dim section As EmbeddedVisualReportSection =  New EmbeddedVisualReportSection(XamDataGrid1) 
    ' 3. Add created section to report's section collection
    ' Optional. If you have progress indicator set its Report property to created report
    progressInfo.Report = reportObj
	 ' 4. Add delegate that calculates SectionLogicalPageNumber
	 AddHandler reportObj.PrintProgress, AddressOf Me.WritePage

    ' 5. Call print method
    reportObj.Print(True, False)
End Sub
private void ShowSectionLogicalPagePartNumber()
    // 1. Create Report object
    Report reportObj = new Report();

    // 2. Create EmbeddedVisualReportSection section. 
    // Put the grid you want to print as a parameter of section's constructor
    EmbeddedVisualReportSection section = new EmbeddedVisualReportSection(XamDataGrid1);

    // 3. Add created section to report's section collection

    // Optional. If you have progress indicator set its Report property to created report
    progressInfo.Report = reportObj;
	// 4. Add delegate that calculates SectionLogicalPagePartNumber
	reportObj.PrintProgress += delegate(object sender, PrintProgressEventArgs e)
		Label1.Content = reportObj.SectionLogicalPagePartNumber.ToString();
    // 5. Call print method
    reportObj.Print(true, false);