
DisplayText プロパティ (TextEditorBase)

Public ReadOnly Property DisplayText As String
public string DisplayText {get;}
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
    Me.textEditor1.ValueType = GetType(Decimal)
    Me.textEditor1.Format = "C"
    Me.textEditor1.FormatProvider = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR")

    ' Even though we are setting the Value property to 10.5 as a float, the
    ' editor will automatically convert the value to type set on ValueType 
    ' property which we set to Decimal above.
    Me.textEditor1.Value = CType(10.5, System.Single)

    ' The Value property will automatically convert and return values of type
    ' set on the ValueType property, which we set above to Decimal.
    Debug.WriteLine("Value = " & Me.textEditor1.Value.ToString() & " as " & Me.textEditor1.Value.GetType().Name)

    ' Text property will return text representation of value without any formatting
    ' applied to it. This is what's going to be displayed when the editor enters
    ' edit mode.
    Debug.WriteLine("Text = " & Me.textEditor1.Text)

    ' DisplayText property will return text representation of value with formatting
    ' applied to it.
    Debug.WriteLine("DisplayText = " & Me.textEditor1.DisplayText)
End Sub
public void button1_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
	this.textEditor1.ValueType = typeof( Decimal );
	this.textEditor1.Format = "C";
	this.textEditor1.FormatProvider = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo( "fr-FR" );

	// Even though we are setting the Value property to 10.5 as a float, the
	// editor will automatically convert the value to type set on ValueType 
	// property which we set to Decimal above.
	this.textEditor1.Value = (float)10.5;

	// The Value property will automatically convert and return values of type
	// set on the ValueType property, which we set above to Decimal.
	Debug.WriteLine( "Value = " + this.textEditor1.Value.ToString( ) + " as " + this.textEditor1.Value.GetType( ).Name );

	// Text property will return text representation of value without any formatting
	// applied to it. This is what's going to be displayed when the editor enters
	// edit mode.
	Debug.WriteLine( "Text = " + this.textEditor1.Text );

	// DisplayText property will return text representation of value with formatting
	// applied to it.
	Debug.WriteLine( "DisplayText = " + this.textEditor1.DisplayText );
<igEditors:XamTextEditor x:Name="textEditor1" />

<Button x:Name="button1"  Click="button1_Click">Click</Button>