
NavigatorDescription プロパティ

コンテンツの説明を取得または設定します。説明は、ペインに関するより詳細な情報を提供するために PaneNavigator 内で使用されます。
Public Property NavigatorDescription As Object
public object NavigatorDescription {get; set;}
Imports Infragistics.Windows.DockManager

Private Sub InitializeDmWithNavInfo(ByVal dockManager As XamDockManager)
    Dim split As New SplitPane()
    Dim cp As New ContentPane()
    cp.Header = "Nav Info"
    cp.Content = "Press Ctrl-Tab or Alt-F7 to show the navigator"

    ' The navigator description and title are 
    ' only used within the pane navigator. To 
    ' see where these are used, press ctrl-tab 
    ' or alt-f7 to show the pane navigator. 
    cp.NavigatorDescription = "Provides additional information to the end user about the pane."
    cp.NavigatorTitle = "A more verbose title"


End Sub
using Infragistics.Windows.DockManager;

private void InitializeDmWithNavInfo(XamDockManager dockManager)
	SplitPane split = new SplitPane();
	ContentPane cp = new ContentPane();
	cp.Header = "Nav Info";
	cp.Content = "Press Ctrl-Tab or Alt-F7 to show the navigator";

	// The navigator description and title are 
	// only used within the pane navigator. To 
	// see where these are used, press ctrl-tab 
	// or alt-f7 to show the pane navigator.
	cp.NavigatorDescription = "Provides additional information to the end user about the pane.";
    cp.NavigatorTitle="A more verbose title";


<!-- The navigator description and title are 
                 only used within the pane navigator. To 
                 see where these are used, press ctrl-tab 
                 or alt-f7 to show the pane navigator. 
<igDock:ContentPane Header="Nav Info"
NavigatorDescription="Provides additional information to the end user about the pane."
NavigatorTitle="A more verbose title" 
Content="Press Ctrl-Tab or Alt-F7 to show the navigator"