
FixedRecordUIType 列挙体

Record.FixedLocation を変更できるよう提供された UI のタイプを示します。
Public Enum FixedRecordUIType 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum FixedRecordUIType : System.Enum 
Button固定状態をトグルする場合に使用できる RecordSelector 内のボタン。
Defaultデフォルトは None に解決します。
Dim settings As FieldLayoutSettings = Me.xamDataGrid2.FieldLayoutSettings

' Allow fixing to the top or bottom of the display
' Note: fixing to the bottom is only supported at the root level so
'       any child records or records inside groups can only be
'       fixed to the top
settings.AllowRecordFixing = AllowRecordFixing.TopOrBottom

' Specify a limit to the number of records that can be fixed.
' Once the limit has been reached the record that was fixed first 
' will be bumped off the fixed list when a new record is fixed (FIFO).
' Note: This limit applies independently to the top and bottom so
'       that in Me case there could be up to 3 records fixed to
'       the top and 3 records fixed to the bottom at the same time.
settings.FixedRecordLimit = 3

' By setting FixedRecordSortOrder to 'FixOrder' the records will 
' be ordered such that the record that was fixed last will be
' closest to the scrollable records i.e. the last record fixed to
' the top will be at the bottom of the top fixed records. The order
' is reversed for bottom fixed records.
' Note: This order is maintained until the user performs a sort 
'       operation or the RefreshSort methd is called.
settings.FixedRecordSortOrder = FixedRecordSortOrder.FixOrder

' Setting FixedRecordUIType to 'Button' will display a FixedRecordButton
' in the RecordSelector of a DataRecord
settings.FixedRecordUIType = FixedRecordUIType.Button
FieldLayoutSettings settings = this.xamDataGrid2.FieldLayoutSettings;

// Allow fixing to the top or bottom of the display
// Note: fixing to the bottom is only supported at the root level so
//       any child records or records inside groups can only be
//       fixed to the top
settings.AllowRecordFixing = AllowRecordFixing.TopOrBottom;

// Specify a limit to the number of records that can be fixed.
// Once the limit has been reached the record that was fixed first 
// will be bumped off the fixed list when a new record is fixed (FIFO).
// Note: This limit applies independently to the top and bottom so
//       that in this case there could be up to 3 records fixed to
//       the top and 3 records fixed to the bottom at the same time.
settings.FixedRecordLimit = 3;

// By setting FixedRecordSortOrder to 'FixOrder' the records will 
// be ordered such that the record that was fixed last will be
// closest to the scrollable records i.e. the last record fixed to
// the top will be at the bottom of the top fixed records. The order
// is reversed for bottom fixed records.
// Note: This order is maintained until the user performs a sort 
//       operation or the RefreshSort methd is called.
settings.FixedRecordSortOrder = FixedRecordSortOrder.FixOrder;

// Setting FixedRecordUIType to 'Button' will display a FixedRecordButton
// in the RecordSelector of a DataRecord
settings.FixedRecordUIType = FixedRecordUIType.Button;

<!-- Set various properties on FieldLayoutSettings relating to record fixing.
     Note: fixing to the bottom is only supported at the root level so
           any child records or records inside groups can only be
           fixed to the top 
<igDP:XamDataGrid x:Name="xamDataGrid2">