
NavigateTo(String,Object) メソッド

指定したパラメーターで NavigationHistoryItem を作成して現在の項目として設定します。
Public Overloads Sub NavigateTo( _
   ByVal text As String, _
   ByVal tag As Object _
public void NavigateTo( 
   string text,
   object tag


最新の履歴メニューに項目が表示される時に表示するテキスト。null または空にできません。

Vista のエクスプローラー ウィンドウでナビゲーションがどのように動作するのかと同様に、新しい項目にナビゲートすると、新しいパスが開始され進む履歴が作成されます。

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree

Private isNodeSelectedFromNavigationToolbar As Boolean

' Handles the UltraTree's AfterSelect event
Private Sub tvwFolders_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.SelectEventArgs) Handles tvwFolders.AfterSelect
	Dim selectedNode As UltraTreeNode = IIf(e.NewSelections.Count = 1, e.NewSelections(0), Nothing)
	If (selectedNode Is Nothing) Then Return

	'	Make sure that this node's Nodes collection is populated so
	'	that if the end user double-clicks on an item, we will be able
	'	to locate the associated sub-directory.

	'	Populate the UltraListView with the sub-folders and files 
	'	for the directory associated with the node that was selected

	' Update the current navigation item to the node that we've now selected, assuming
	' that the tree was navigated directly and not through the navigation history of the
	' NavigationToolbar.
	If Me.isNodeSelectedFromNavigationToolbar = False Then
		'We only want to show the text in the drop-down menu, but store the node itself in the
		' Tag property of a NavigationHistoryItem so that we have easy access to it later should
		' the user traverse the navigation history.
		Me.UltraToolbarsManager1.NavigationToolbar.NavigateTo(selectedNode.Text, selectedNode)
	End If
End Sub

' Handles the UltraToolbarsManager's AfterNavigation event.
Private Sub UltraToolbarsManager1_AfterNavigation(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.AfterNavigationEventArgs) Handles UltraToolbarsManager1.AfterNavigation
	' Set a flag so that we know that we shouldn't add a new item to the navigation history.
	Me.isNodeSelectedFromNavigationToolbar = True

	' Since we've stored each node in the Tag property of a NavigationHistoryItem, we can now
	' easily select that node now.
	CType(e.CurrentItem.Tag, UltraTreeNode).Selected = True            

	' Reset the flag to allow subseqent additions to the navigation history.
	Me.isNodeSelectedFromNavigationToolbar = False
End Sub
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree;

private bool isNodeSelectedFromNavigationToolbar;

/// <summary>
/// Handles the UltraTree's AfterSelect event
/// </summary>
private void tvwFolders_AfterSelect(object sender, SelectEventArgs e)
	// Update the current navigation item to the node that we've now selected, assuming
	// that the tree was navigated directly and not through the navigation history of the
	// NavigationToolbar.
		// We only want to show the text in the drop-down menu, but store the node itself in the
		// Tag property of a NavigationHistoryItem so that we have easy access to it later should
		// the user traverse the navigation history.
		this.ultraToolbarsManager1.NavigationToolbar.NavigateTo(selectedNode.Text, selectedNode);

/// <summary>
/// Handles the UltraToolbarsManager's AfterNavigation event.
/// </summary>
private void ultraToolbarsManager1_AfterNavigation(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.AfterNavigationEventArgs e)
    // Set a flag so that we know that we shouldn't add a new item to the navigation history.
    this.isNodeSelectedFromNavigationToolbar = true;

    // Since we've stored each node in the Tag property of a NavigationHistoryItem, we can now
    // easily select that node now.
    ((UltraTreeNode)e.CurrentItem.Tag).Selected = true;

    // Reset the flag to allow subseqent additions to the navigation history.
    this.isNodeSelectedFromNavigationToolbar = false;